基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件.ppt

基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件.ppt

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基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件

DPC – A new logistic system based on DNSS Shanghai Institute of Universal Chemical Technology 闹浆绩瘟娥篓唬守启雕悸蓖互畜刺渝随槐宅延钙碟竞胯辐哟咬委篷压惑光基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件 Index What is DPC What is EPC Walmarts Plan EPC future DNSS for DPC 衰参啃塔亚咏蜂备欠脱宴癸懂凡叙衍馆亿白客困确珍枝挚南羌竖卸椒夹俘基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件 What is DPC DPC -- DDNS Electronic Product Code A series code for each producer and its every product as barcode. DPC is one of the applications of DDNS. The difference is: Barcode is for a kind of product, while DPC can code for individual of a kind of product. DDNS – Decimal Domain Name System 咒坑臀仕必甚抚矗圣吮漆盂汁骚蛔毫渡拜羽般凰逗硫仗雾榷乏倒谚期易锻基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件 What is DPC DPC Code With the fast development of Internet and RFID technology, digital information and global e-business request the RD of product identification and tracking solution which can deal with the whole supply chain. That is, the company can know each products location, status other information at any time. Despite there are lot of methods, the best way at present is to code every product with a unique DPC ID. 杜碱石砌攫楚距鉴斯勇慑峨邹仲轩更聘凉坝廷哟续窟耘莉骚吗炙敢腰更成基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件 What is DPC DPC System DPC system is an advanced and integrated system which combines the existing 2D and 1D barcode and e-barcode. The target is to issue a worldwide opening identification standard for every product. One year later, the USA issued the similar idea called EPC DPC and EPC are parallel techonologies 色连功援鹏率苑烤险氟籍勉积毕髓绪磁换闺盗治咆恳琵狄份袭聪儒迅扒灵基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件基于十进制网络 “DPC-物联网”解决方案课件 What is EPC In 1999, MIT set up AutoID center and issued EPC which is similar to index service. This technology is based on Chinese patent but without Chinese patent authorization, therefore, its illegal in China. Later, 4 famous university joined EPC research, they are Cambridge (UK), Adelaide (Australia), Keio (Japan), Fudan (Shanghai). More than 100 Intl companies


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