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Process Audit guidelines 制 程 稽 核 准 则 suggested Content包含的内容 Work Instructions作业指导书 Available at each process step 每个步骤是否被执行 Work Instruction under revision control and at current revision level 作业指导书是否有版本管制及当前版本。 Calls out current production part number and revision level 有没有注明产品编号及版本。 Calls out direct materials P/N, description, usage, and designator 有无直接罗列所用材料料号,规格,用量,点位。 Calls out operation machine name station number, machine program name revision, fixtures name/part number revision 有无机器名称/编号,机器程序名/版本,治具名/编号/版本。 Call out tools/gages with part number or name, indirect materials with detailed description, and their working conditions 有无罗列所用工具及计量器名称或编号,以及用到的间接材料(如胶,锡丝)有无具体说明,包括他们工作条件。 Calls out work process/instruction for the station 每一站有无罗列作业步骤及作业指导。 Call out highlights/special notes for the operation 在作业指导书中有没有对相关注意事项做重点标识。 Operator作业员 Is operator certified for operation 作业员是否有受过相关作业资格培训 If operator is in training, verify adequate supervision 在训新员工上线是否有人做足够的监督检查 Ongoing program for re-certification of operators 对作业员是否有再认证计划. Is operation staffed per Work Instructions 作业指导书是否规定各操作负责人员. Is operation being performed per Work Instructions 作业指导书上规定的操作是否都被执行. Is the operator monitored for his/her performance 作业员的绩效是否被考核 Materials材料 Production materials for each operation specified in Work Instructions and under AVL control 作业指导书是否有罗列出每站所需用到的生产材料, 并列入管制. Verify production materials are revision controlled current 检查生产材料是否有版本管制及目前版本状况 Handling storage guidelines called out in Work Instruction 作业指导书中是否定义材料处理存储办法. Compliance with handling storage guidelines documented 材料处理存储办法是否被有效执行 Scrap and nonconforming material is isolated from normal production 废料和不良品是否与良品隔离 Material preparation operations documented and controlled 备料动作有无文件说明并被控制 Controlled by an effective FIFO system 是否有一个有效的先进先出的系统,并被执行 Verify traceability of materials 验证材料的可追溯性 Self audit system to ensure correct material usage 有无自检系统以确保材料的正确使用 Materials are clearly marked/identified on line and s


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