保养卵巢的药(A medicine for the ovaries).doc

保养卵巢的药(A medicine for the ovaries).doc

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保养卵巢的药(A medicine for the ovaries)

保养卵巢的药(A medicine for the ovaries) A medicine for the ovaries The stomach is not good, metabolic function is slow, premature ovarian failure, this may be because you eat too much, eat too much support caused. Experts say eating too much food and digesting the digestive tract can consume large amounts of blood and blood, while other tissues in the body can suffer from malnutrition. So eating too much is easy to cause all kinds of diseases. Women who eat too much can also cause premature ovarian failure. Ovarian degeneration is a sign of menstrual change The 36 year old Linda began to significantly reduce the menstrual quantity in each period to two years ago, usually half a packet of sanitary napkins, now buy a packet of two months, 30 days before a period, now to 40 to 50 days at a time. At first Linda some categories, feel more relaxed. But a year and a half ago, Linda began to appear dry skin, lack of luster, but also a lot of brown spots, people around her said she was obviously old. Some friends suggest that she find Chinese medicine conditioning, Linda to the hospital, the doctor advised her to check the sex hormone. The results showed that her ovarian function was markedly decreased and did not match her age. For the females physical function, the ovary and its function are the CPU of the computer, whether from the point of view of health or reproduction. The decline in ovarian function is a gradual process, from ovarian reserve to ovarian failure, and amenorrhea takes about 1 to 5 years. The vast majority of patients with premature ovarian failure before ovarian failure, menstruation or menstrual disorders such as obvious symptoms, and some even appear hot flashes, sweating, upset, forgetfulness and other menopausal manifestations. In addition, with the decline of ovarian function, womens sexual desire has gradually declined to completely without sexual desire, appearance will slowly appear dry skin, lack of luster, brown patches or spots appear on the face.



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