容灾备份解决方案(Disaster recovery backup solution).doc

容灾备份解决方案(Disaster recovery backup solution).doc

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容灾备份解决方案(Disaster recovery backup solution)

容灾备份解决方案(Disaster recovery backup solution) Disaster backup construction is a thorough systematic project, and it is also a new field of crisis management. Construction of disaster recovery requires not only the purchase of disaster backup center construction and IT system, but also need to have a disaster backup technology, crisis management, risk management, business continuity planning, disaster drills and disaster recovery backup domain knowledge. In addition, the disaster backup is different from the general IT project, it is a continuation of the unit of business processes, it is necessary to establish perfect disaster backup center operation management system, needs to maintain effective business continuity plan, in order to ensure the disaster backup center can continue to play backup function. The common disaster recovery system can be divided into four types: media disaster tolerance, remote backup disaster recovery, data disaster recovery and application disaster recovery, which are different according to the different RTO and RPO required by the business system. Media disaster tolerance The business system has data backup to removable media (such as tape, CD, film, etc.), in order to ensure that these data can be stored in the event of a disaster, and the system re installation or recovery after the data recovery on the back of the medium, disaster recovery method is the most simple of these media regularly artificial way to collect to the disaster recovery center, disaster recovery center in the most appropriate medium preservation measures. Remote backup disaster tolerance If the recovery time is higher, the local backup system can not be used to backup the data to the storage pool of the disaster recovery center by remote network, so as to ensure the security of the data. The disaster, general requirements for data recovery time before the disaster of tens of minutes to hours; and from the disaster, to complete the work from the recovery system, data



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