新闻摄影图片在报纸中的地位和作用刍议(On the status and function of news photography and pictures in newspapers).doc

新闻摄影图片在报纸中的地位和作用刍议(On the status and function of news photography and pictures in newspapers).doc

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新闻摄影图片在报纸中的地位和作用刍议(On the status and function of news photography and pictures in newspapers)

新闻摄影图片在报纸中的地位和作用刍议(On the status and function of news photography and pictures in newspapers) [ePub] 2006-03-17 [author] Tian Chengming, Mudanjiang media group news agency reporter. On the status and function of news photography and pictures in newspapers Tianchengming (Mudanjiang media group, Heilongjiang, Mudanjiang 157000) [Abstract] from the rise and development of news photography and pictures in China, the status of picture and text in news reports and how to carry it out This paper discusses the important position and function of news photography in the newspaper. Keywords photographic picture; visual impact; operation mechanism; [CLC]G212 [document identification code]A [article number]1003-6121 (2006) 03-0136-02) In the late twentieth Century, the media put forward the age of reading pictures I think there are many opinions about the causes of the times of reading pictures. Some people call it TV Universal pull; some say the impact of the rise of the Internet; some say it is high The crystallization of new technological developments; others say, a changing modern society. Need. I believe that the above various statement of the comprehensive, I am afraid it is pregnant The birth promoting agent in the era of reading pictures. At the same time, profound changes in society have brought about A major shift in practice and thinking of running a newspaper is also an important factor. In the era of absolute monopoly of newspaper layout, news pictures are not only very Small and weak, and a small number of poor, long-term in the supporting role in the awkward position. In the late 1980s, the then president of the Xinhua news agency put forward a map The idea of newspaper both wings . In August 1990, when the first national When the press editors Press Photo conference was held in Yinchuan, the participants A graphic on both wings to reach a consensus, that is, from Yinchuan On the start by both wings to fly from an idea began to change The practice of national news


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