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地域性与艺术创作 摘要:当今世界经济一体化的进程在加速,城市化进程越来越快,高科技迅猛发展,信息沟通日益快捷频繁,文化艺术上的相互交流和影响也更为明显,文化地域性越显重要,对如何切入当下发展本土的东西,吸收好的东西,怎样充足选择,很有必要。地域性是客观存在的,艺术中的“地域性”不是“落后”代名词,它意味着艺术的地方特色,地域文化没有高低之分,只有差异。艺术创造中的所谓新与旧只能是互补关系,而非是文化艺术上的自我保守和自我隔绝,也不是说那个“先进”和那个“落后”而是在知己知彼和注意广泛吸收营养的情况下,坚持从现实生活出发、做富有本土特色的创造。在这篇文章中我主要是以地域性与艺术创作的内在逻辑为前提的,首先阐述了中国的地域性与艺术家的内在关系,并以此分析地域性与艺术创作的内在关联,期望从中找出地域性与当代艺术产生缘由的合理性解释。 关键词:地域性 ;艺术创作. Abstract: Today The world’s economic integration process and urbanization are accelerating rapidly. With rapid high-tech development and frequent information communication, exchange and influence in culture and art get more apparent, while the regional culture gets more important. For how to develop local culture, how to absorb and choose is really necessary. Regional factor exists objectively, but in the art, regional does not mean backward. It means that the art of the local feature, of no pinnacle points. The relationship of so-called new and old artistic creation can only be complementary, rather than the arts and culture on the self-conservative and self-imposed isolation. It is not to say that advanced and that backward. But to know ourselves and pay attention to the wide range of absorption of nutrients, adhere to the departure from real life and create the local characteristics. In this article, I mainly regard regional and the internal logic of artistic creation as a precondition and described the inherent relationship between Chinas regional factor and artists in the front part, and analyzed the inherent correlation of the regional factor and artistic creation. I expect to find a reasonable explanation of the cause of regional factor and contemporary art. Keywords: regionalism ; art creation. 引言: 在全球化的背景下,文化的交流与融合已成为事实,我们怎样处理全球化带来的若干问题,已成为当下人们思考的问题,人们在艺术创作中总是直接或间接或多或少地受到地域性存在的各种因素的熏陶和暗示。地域文化往往使画家们对自己所生活地域有着特殊的情感,这对其创作有着潜移默化的影响,这种潜移默化的影响也赋予了其作品的灵魂,在创作过程中是不可或缺的。 由于时间的仓促,我这篇文章写的只是浅显的认识,这篇论文中还有很多不足之处,我也力求在今后的实践中学习进行探索,其中有不足之处敬请原谅和指教。时光飞逝,短短四年时间里,我在对绘画知识探究的同时,更注重文化地域性的探索 ,在这次论文


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