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2010 4 April 20 10 3 6 4 Journal of Beijing Un iversity ofA eronautics and Astronautics Vol. 36 No4 刘丰睿 赵丽滨 韩邦成 房建成 ( , 1 191) ( , 1 191) : 建立磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺框架结构的有限元分析 型, 对控制力矩陀螺框 架结构进行 态分析, 阐述了框架结构优化设计的基本思路. 结合双向渐进优化算法拓扑优化 理论, 基于通用有限元分析软件ANSYS的参数化设计语言和二次开发语言, 开发了连续体拓 扑优化 块. 以框架结构的最低阶频率值为约束条件, 以框架结构质量最小为优化目标, 引入 名义应力的概念, 建立框架结构固有振型与名义应力的关系, 实现了磁悬浮控制力矩陀螺框架 结构的动态拓扑优化, 扩展了双向渐进优化算法的应用范围. 优化后的结构构型具有更为合理 的质量和刚度布局, 频率提高 11. 49% , 质量减少 5. 65% . : 控制力矩陀螺; 拓扑优化; 双方向进化优化 : O 343. 1 : A : 1 15965( 2 1 ) 4455 4 T opology op tim ization design of fram e structure for m agn etic suspen sion con tro lm om en t gyroscope L iu Fengrui Zhao Libin ( School of Astronautics, Beijing University ofA eronautics and A stronautics, Beijing 1 191, China) Han Bangcheng Fang Jiancheng ( School of Instrum ent Science and Optoelectronics Eng ineering, Beij ing University ofAeronautics and A stronautics, Beijing 1 191, China) A bstrac:t The fin ite elementmodel of frame structure formagnetic suspension controlmoment gyroscope (M SCMG) w as established and amodal analysisw as mi plemented. On the view of the numerical results the optmi ization opinions of the fram e structure w ere presented. The topology optmi ization modu le for continuum structurew as developed and p lugged inANSYS via itsAPDL and U IDL comb ined w ith the bidirectional evo lutionary structural optmi ization method ( BESO). Thus the dynam ic topological optmi ization of frame structure w as realized w ith the fundamental frequency as constraint cond


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