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Foreign Language World No.2 2002 (General Serial No.88) t 范 烨 : 中介语对话对于外语学习的促进作用已经被许多研究者所肯定,但是对话中的错误究 会对说者和听 者产生什么影响? 本文分析研究了100 名大学生的中介语对话以及相关问卷调查的反馈, 结果发现: 1) 四类 错误在口语交际中十分常见,即混淆在意义或形式上有关联的词汇在词汇搭配中受母语负迁移的影响忽视 或过度使用单词的屈折变化,以及句子整体结构的搭建错误2) 在第 一和第二类错误中有许多是由学生知 识系统的缺陷引起的,而第三和第四类错误大多得归咎于表达系统的障碍3)以上这些错误误导听者的可能 性并不很大4) 如果说者经常重复这类错误而得不到指导, 那么他的英语知识系统或表达系统将受到损害 上述研究结果对教学有 一定启示: 要想使中介语对话充分发挥其功效, 教师必须针对学生的弱点, 开展系统性 的训练来完善学生的知识系统和表达系统;而学生也应该建立准备监控和反思的中介语对话模式 : 中介语对话; 知识系统;表达系统;吸入 A bstract: The paper reports a study of 100 college studentsp interlanguage talk. The following four ajor findings havebeen ade. First, four types of errors are ost frequently ade in the sa ples collected: 1) Confusing the words that are related in eaning or rese ble in for . 2) Producing Chinglish collocations that are not acceptable in English. 3) O itting or over-using inflectional changes. 4) Piecing together words or phrases, with little considera- tion of gra aticality. Second, a lot of the errors of type one and two are caused by the inadequacy in speakersp knowledge syste . And errors of typethree and four are ostly related to the alfunctioning of the perfor ance sys- te . Third, listeners are not unduly disadvantaged by the exposure to inferior peer input. Fourth, on the part of the speakers, repetition of the faulty output will lead to fossilization of errors of all the previous four types, either in the knowledge syste or in theperfor ance syste . The i plications are as follows: it is essential for the teachers to de- sign so e exercises to help students reduce those frequently- ade errors, rather than just involve the in the talk; students should learn the skills of preparation, onitoring and self-reflection so as to benefit fro the interlanguage talk to the greatest extent. Key Words : interlanguagetalk; knowledge syste ; perfor ance syste ; intake : H313


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