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第 27 卷 第 4 期 电 子 器 件 V o l. 27 N o. 4 2004 年 12 月 Ch inese Jou rnal of E lectron D evices D ec. 2004 Research on the Electr ic F ield of the Em itter T ip and its Sim ula tion Error , , Q IN S hao ling TU Y an Y IN H an chun (E lectronic E ng ineering D ep artm ent , S ou theast U niversity , N anj ing 210096, Ch ina) : , Abstract A cco rding to the Fow ler N o rdheim fo rm u la the em ission cu rren t den sity is exponen tial to electric field. It is m ain ly determ ined by the field on the su rface of the tip. In o rder to get a p recise , . value of em ission cu rren t the field of the tip has to be calcu lated m o re accu rately T he influence of the differen t m esh size on the sim u lation erro r is m ain ly discu ssed here. Com parison betw een sim u lation and analytic resu lt has been m ade. A nd the erro r is also analyzed, as the decreasing of the . , m esh size T hen the influence of the radiu s of tip the heigh t of em itter and the space of tip on the field is con sidered. It can be seen that the sim u lation erro r reduces w ith the decreasing of the m esh si ze. N evertheless, w hen the m esh size is less than a certain value , it increases in stead. T he op tim ize 1. 5% . m esh size is abou t of the radiu s : ; ; ; Key words m esh size em itter tip electric field sim


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