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大学英语第一学期考试范围一、词形转换1.For various(vary) reason Id prefer not to meet him.2.To our greatdisappointment(disappoint),it started to rain3.Good books canenrich(rich) mans inner life.4.A Fourth of July celebration(declare)includes a display of fireworks5.I informed his wife of his safe arrival(arrive).6.Im very pleased to inform you that your application(apply) has been accepted.7.They used their savings for the establishment(establish) of the business8.The solution(solve) to last weeks puzzle is on page 12.9.The college graduate we know has a powerful personality(personal).10.All human being are much more intelligent(intelligence) than animal.11.The health center serves all patients, regardless of their ability(able).12.The living-room was tidier(tidy) than usual.13.Ill be thankful(thank)for a good nights sleep after the week Ive had.14.His family lives below the poverty(poor) line.15.The business failed because of inefficient(management).16.Her son was filled with ambition(ambition) to become a great inventor.17.Immigrants have had a powerful(power) influence on the local culture.18.His achievements earned(earning) him the acclaim of the scientific community.19.Cycling is highly beneficial(benefit) to health and environment.20.Her father was a quiet man with graceful(grace)manners.21.The treasury Department plants to remove older coins from circulation(circulate) and replace them with new ones.22.The disease spreads quickly underfavourable(favor) conditions.23.They adopted her only out of kindness(kind).24.We were warmly(warm) welcomed by villagers.25.The governmentssilence(silent) on such an important issue seems very strange.26.The reforms will bring lasting(last)benefits.27.28.29.二、翻译1.人们认为上海市东方巴黎。(regard...as) People regard Shanghai as oriental Pairs.2.他在这部电影中,扮演了一个重要角色。(play a role) He plays an important role in this film.3.她的工作和我的工作大体相似。(be similar to) Her job is similar to mine in general.4.我们聚在一起庆祝成功。(gather together) we gather together to celebrate the victor



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