unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note词汇精讲.ppt

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unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note词汇精讲

1. adventure--- adventurer -- adventurous Eg: Christopher Columbus is considered an __________, and he likes __________ and _____________ things. 2. Circumstances do not ________ me to help you, so if you don’t gain ___________, you can’t go inside. When the kid said to his mum _________, his dad patiently told him not to be ________ to others, because _________ isn’t a polite manner. 2) sincere, honest 真诚的,真实的 She seems genuine but I can’t trust her. as for 至于,关于 至于账单嘛,先生,请把它忘了吧。 至于火灾的原因,我一点也不知道。 你认为这相当便宜,但对于我来说这很昂贵。 be in rags: 穿着破烂的衣服 I saw _____________(穿着破烂衣服的妇女) lying under the tree. He was _______________(歧视) because he was dressed _________(穿着破烂) a woman in rags looked down upon in rags indeed: (1). 的确; 实在地;真正地 ---Was he very glad? ---Indeed, he was. Thank you very much indeed. (2). 其实;实际上(相当于in fact) I dont mind at all. Indeed, I would be delgihted to help. As for the bill, sir, please forget it. As for the cause of the fire, I dont know anything. You think this is rather cheap, but as for me, it is expensive. * Unit 3: The Million Pound Bank Note New words and expressions 1.bring up抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐 阅读下列句子,在括号中写出bring up的汉语意思。 ①He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri ,along the Mississippi River. ( ) ②Some people laughed at the idea when I first brought it up.( ) ③All of our kids were brought up to respect and love other people. ( ) ④We shall never forget our teachers who have brought us up. ( ) ⑤She was very ill and brought up all her lunch.  ( )   抚养 提出 raised 教育 培养 呕吐 【对点演练】 1.用bring的相关短语填空。 ①Both his parents died in an accident, so he was __________by his grandma. ②Science and technology has _____________many changes in our hometown. ③It’s too dear. We must try to __________the price. 4) Born into a family with three


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