2010年造价员考试基础理论模拟题(Simulation of basic exam theory for cost staff in 2010).doc

2010年造价员考试基础理论模拟题(Simulation of basic exam theory for cost staff in 2010).doc

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2010年造价员考试基础理论模拟题(Simulation of basic exam theory for cost staff in 2010)

2010年造价员考试基础理论模拟题(Simulation of basic exam theory for cost staff in 2010) This paper contributed by cqpeixun17. Pdf document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. Chongqing construction industry certification training network we are committed to the Chongqing construction budget staff training, staff training, measuring staff training, safety training quality training, training materials and other dozens of architectural training, and strive to build a building of Chongqing training school aceyears exam simulation questions cost theory 1. static investment including construction and installation costs, equipment and labor, equipment acquisition costs, construction costs and other (B). A. B. provides basic reserve reserve reserve price C. D. 2. project is not clear reserve of a construction project investment, equipment purchase costs 10 million yuan, tools, appliances and furniture production cost is 2 million yuan, the construction cost is 8 million yuan, installation costs 5 million yuan, other construction costs 4 million yuan, basic reserve fee of 1 million 500 thousand yuan, the price for 3 million 500 thousand yuan fee, construction period accrued interest loans 20 million yuan, 1 million 200 thousand yuan, 4 million yuan of liquidity, while the construction cost of the construction project for the (A) million. The actual cost of the A.3520 B.3920 C.5520 D.5920 3. project (C). The price of A. B. part of the contract price of C. completion price D. completion settlement price 4. engineering quantity list format does not include (B) A. project quantity list B. project price table C. measure item D. cover 5. of a project in the construction and installation cost is 5 million 600 thousand yuan, the purchase of equipment and instruments for the 3 million 300 thousand time yuan, other construction costs 1 million 330 thousand yuan, basic reserve funds for 1 million 20 th


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