2011华图语言理解名师班笔记(Figure 2011 language teacher class notes).doc

2011华图语言理解名师班笔记(Figure 2011 language teacher class notes).doc

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2011华图语言理解名师班笔记(Figure 2011 language teacher class notes)

2011华图语言理解名师班笔记(Figure 2011 language teacher class notes) Purpose: to find the key topic sentence convergence Summary: focus, taking into account other Micro perspective: Related words The macro point of view, this article What ideas are not looking for countermeasures. Usually, also is the key point in (must) The correct answer is not extended to the original text or divergence Not only A but also B progression, but also is the key A and B are Not only A and B even C focus on even Not only but also 1, after the key is progressive. 2, not only more than = not only, not light A progressive and, and also. still Two steps, even more, especially, particularly, in particular, is important, the key is, the core is, A progressive and two steps at the same time two steps is the key. 3. not only can be omitted, and must appear, said one, there are not only must have and have not only and not necessarily have Show = description, show, confirmed, the conclusion of guide words. 1, the method of sentence analysis: long sentences - 21 - to - attributive, adverbial, complement to - (after modification) 2, the negative reasoning method to prove the front view. Otherwise, otherwise, mark: if not, if there is no, causal relationship So the conclusion is the key because the A B. Normal order, the reason is for the conclusion of the service. The reason is because the B A inversion, the second part is the key, which is the key reason. With our order to emphasize the importance of the cause. A, which leads to the logical relationship, resulting in B the logical relationship between antecedents and consequences, antecedents and consequences, avoid reverse causality. 1, verification: examples to prove that before and after the emergence of the view. Examples can be elided. The key finding before and after the emergence of the view. The example of the option is not the answer to keynote. For example, for example, as mark, illustration, data and stories With = background matting. Of course,



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