2011年乡镇文体卫生工作总结(Summary of township sports and health work in 2011).doc

2011年乡镇文体卫生工作总结(Summary of township sports and health work in 2011).doc

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2011年乡镇文体卫生工作总结(Summary of township sports and health work in 2011)

2011年乡镇文体卫生工作总结(Summary of township sports and health work in 2011) 2011 summary of the work style of township health In 2011 the town style municipal government office who conscientiously implement the spirit of the document, focus on Township village construction and cultural construction, innovative forms, plays its role in my town, the building of a harmonious society and economic construction. br / A, /1, br style village (neighborhood) cadres play the backbone, carry out various forms of exercises, the village (neighborhood) organization of residents for morning and evening exercises. The carrier of sports culture, promote the development of Cultural Village (neighborhood). We see to carry out health to the village (neighborhood) through the practice of sports activities on the active village (neighborhood) residents, stability of village (neighborhood) has more and more irreplaceable role in the security environment. Let the national fitness activities into thousands of households. The village (neighborhood) sports construction is the highlight of the mass culture, I in the town of Zhong Ying community built 520 square meters of Shungeng town comprehensive culture station is to speed up the favorable platform for culture, the cultural stations active in the village (neighborhood) residents sports cultural life, promote family exchanges and enhance neighborhood harmony and unity. br /2, in May 8th and the womens federations and other departments of the cooperation, the town of comprehensive culture station organized a mothers love, the activities organized dozens of kindergarten children in the library and love dumplings activities, through the activities of the child caring culture since childhood, good quality of harmonious coexistence. Creatively carry out various forms of the village (neighborhood) sports activities, trying to build a harmonious and warm village (neighborhood) is the focus of the style of work, we will focus on the village (neighborhood)



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