国内外经济学经典教材简评(Review of domestic and foreign classic textbook economics).doc

国内外经济学经典教材简评(Review of domestic and foreign classic textbook economics).doc

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国内外经济学经典教材简评(Review of domestic and foreign classic textbook economics)

国内外经济学经典教材简评(Review of domestic and foreign classic textbook economics) Review of domestic and foreign classic textbook economics 2009-12-19 17:04:28 from: Su Jen moon (the mountains) The domestic and foreign classic textbook economics can be divided into introductory materials, intermediate, intermediate and advanced micro macro micro and macro senior etc.. The primary introductory textbook is for beginners, so most cases and phenomena. To explain the text, occasionally add 2D pattern. Advanced materials focus on mathematical logic, and two-dimensional patterns and text expression, has been difficult to solve the description of the problem, is widely used in mathematical proofs or algebraic equations, with modern mathematical tools. Intermediate materials ranging from the definition is fuzzy. The teaching difficulty is very different, span. More advanced, more and more differences, the pursuit of rigorous mathematical logic, as a lower utility. The main test in Shuo, commonly used in domestic and abroad, a brief description of materials. An introductory textbook Principle 1. Mankiw economics (Fourth Edition Chinese version for the North Edition) Mankiw belong to the new classical Keynes doctrine source, macro economic analysis on the scope of the study class. Economics principle for junior college students writing, the main feature is simple, easy and interesting language reasoning. A large number of cases and press digest in the text, very close to life; complex teaching used rarely, and summed up the ten own economics principle, is very convenient to almost no contact with people who read economics. Through this book, readers can understand the basic principle of thinking, basic economics commonly used, and used to analyze the economic phenomenon in life, is worth reading. 2. Samuelson economics (several versions) Samuelson is a representative figure of new classical school, study economics, statistics and mathematics across a number of areas, has a unique perspe



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