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国际民航组织安全管理 系统(SMS)课程 讲义No2 – Anyfield机场事故 Contents 前言 一、事件经过 In the early hours of an autumn Monday-morning, a twin-engined jet transport with 5 crew-members and 63 passengers on board while in its take-off run at Anyfield Airport collided with a small twin-engined propeller-driven aircraft, with only a single crew-member that had intruded the departure-runway. Both aircraft were severely damaged as a result of the collision. The subsequent fire destroyed both aircraft and was the death-cause for most of the passengers. 在秋季周一早上凌晨,在Anyfield机场1一架双引擎喷气运输机5名机组成员和63名乘客,在其起飞运行时与一个侵入离场跑道的只有一个机组成员的双引擎螺旋桨小飞机相撞。这两架飞机由于碰撞遭到严重破坏。随后的大火烧毁了飞机,同时造成大部分乘客死亡。 一、事件经过 Anyfield Airport is a medium-sized airport, with a single runway which can be accessed (or vacated) by a number of intersections. It is a controlled aerodrome; the control-tower is located 400 meters north of the middle of the runway. Traffic-numbers are on the rise as quite a few commuter-type airlines have started operating to and from Anyfield. Anyfield机场是一个中型机场,一条跑道连接着一些十字路口(或腾空)。这是一个管制机场,控制塔位于距北跑道中间400米的位置。由于不少通勤型航空公司已开始来往于Anyfield,Anyfield交通流量逐渐上升。 Although the airport is in a region in which several foggy days a year are common, it is not equipped with a Surface Movement Radar (SMR), nor does it have special taxiway-lighting facilities for use under low visibility-conditions. 虽然机场处于一年中雾天很常见的一个地区,但是它并没有配备地面活动雷达(SMR),也没有特殊的滑行道照明设施供低能见度条件下使用。 一、事件经过 Air Traffic Control at Anyfield is slightly understaffed, but so far it was not thought necessary to impose restrictions on operations to and from Anyfield. There is a discrete frequency (Ground Control) to handle taxiing aircraft. 空中交通管制在Anyfield是略有不足,但到目前为止,并不认为需要加强对于在Anyfield运行的限制。有一个离散的频率(地面管制)处理滑行的航空器。 At the time of the collision, the average visibility was around 700 meters with fog-banks, which is just sufficient to allow the tower-controller to see the middle part of the runway. The controllers view at the intersection where the intruding airc


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