
人教版必修二Unit1 Cultural relics.ppt

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人教版必修二Unit1 Cultural relics

Can you give some examples of the famous cultural relics in China? Step 2 Warming up Does a cultural relic always have to be rare and valuable? Is it enough to have survived for a long time? 琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂,经过地壳变动而深埋地下,逐渐演化而成的一种天然化石。形成于4000万年至6000万年前,琥珀的主要成分是碳、氢、氧以及少量的硫,硬度2-3,比重1.05-1.10,熔点150C-180C,燃点250C-375C。没有两块琥珀是完全相同的。品种有金珀、虫珀、香珀、灵珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蜡珀等,尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵 。 Have you ever seen a piece of amber? 著名的“琥珀屋”始建于1709 年,当时的普鲁士国王为了效 仿法国皇帝路易十四的奢华生 活,命令普鲁士最有名的建筑 师兴建“琥珀屋”,“琥珀屋”面积约55平方米,共有12块护壁镶板和12个柱脚,全都由当时比黄金还贵12倍的琥珀制成,总重至少达6吨,“琥珀屋”同时还饰以钻石、宝石和银箔,可以随意拼装成各种形状,建成后光彩夺目、富丽堂皇,被誉为“世界第八奇迹”。 The passage tells us the of the Amber Room. Join the correct parts of the sentences together. How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world? thank you! the Amber Room 1716年,普鲁士国王为与俄国结盟,就将这件稀世珍品赠送给了俄彼得大帝。然而1941年,纳粹德军攻入圣彼得堡,将王宫中的“琥珀屋”拆卸了下来,装满27个箱子运回了德国柯尼斯堡。二战结束后,“琥珀屋”从此下落不明,从世人眼中神秘失踪了。 In Search of the Amber Room Step 3 Reading Listen to the tape and try to find the general idea of this passage. C A. direction B. importance C. history D. position Para 1 Para 23 Para 4 Para 5 A. the history of the Amber Room B. the rebuilding of the Amber Room C. a brief introduction to the Amber Room D. the missing of the Amber Room Find the main idea of each paragraph. Fast reading Para1 :An introduction to the Amber Room Careful reading How much amber was used to make the Amber Room?______ A. several pounds B. several tons C. several kilograms D. several grams 2.What color is the Amber Room ?______ A. yellow B. green C. yellow-brown D. brown 3. What else were used to make the room besides amber? ______ A. jewels B. gold C. stone D. jewels and gold 4.How long did it take the artists to build the Amber Room?______ A. ten years B. five years C. twenty years D. thirty years


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