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gept word bank - 育达科技大学

GEPT Word Bank Verbs accept v. 接受;接納 I offered Jim help, but he did not accept it. 我向吉米伸出援手,不過他沒有接受。 achieve v. 完成;達成;達到一定的目標 George has achieved a lot at school this year. 喬治今年在校表現卓越。 act v. 行動;表演 Olivia acted in her school play. 奧麗維亞在學校話劇中演出。 add v. 增加;添加 Add a little salt to the soup. 在湯裡面加點鹽。 admire v. 讚賞;羨慕 Kim admires Jimmys skill at painting. 金讚賞吉米的繪畫技巧。 admit v. 承認;准許 The boy admitted that he broke the window. 這男孩承認他打破了窗戶。 adopt v. 收養;採取;採納 Jean and her husband adopted a child. 珍和她的丈夫領養了一個小孩。 advance v. 前進;推進 The mountain climbers advanced slowly up the mountain. 登山者緩慢地向山頂前進。 advise v. 勸告;建議 Many people advise the president. 許多人向總統提出建議。 affect v. 影響 The new law affects everyone. 新法影響每個人。 age v. 變老;老化;變陳 The wine was aged for twenty years. 這是二十年的陳年老酒。 agree v. 同意;允許 Everyone agrees that Jenny is the best athlete. 每個人都同意珍妮是最棒的運動員。 aid v. 幫助;支援 Computers aid students greatly today. 今日電腦提供學生很大的助益。 aim v. 意圖;瞄準;以……為目標 The teacher is aiming to cover the whole textbook. 老師以教完整本教科書為目標。 allow v. 允許;許可 Johnny is not allowed to go out late. 強尼不被允許太晚外出。 am v. be 動詞現在式,單數第一人稱 I am John. 我是約翰。 answer v. 回答 I asked a question, but the teacher did not answer it. 我問了一個問題,可是老師沒有回答。 apologize v. 道歉 Barry apologized for arriving late. 貝瑞為遲到道歉。 appear v. 看起來……;出現 The lost dog appeared to be cold and hungry. 這隻走失的小狗看起來又冷又餓。 apply v. 應用;申請 Helen applied to four universities. 海倫申請了四所大學。 appreciate v. 感激;鑑賞 Victor really appreciated Harolds help. 維克多真的很感激哈洛德的幫助。 are v. be 動詞複數,及現在式單數第二人稱 The children are in the backyard. 孩子們在後院。 argue v. 爭吵;討論 Brendan and his sister always argue about things. 布藍登和他的妹妹(姊姊)總是為一些事情爭吵。 arrange v. 安排;整理;排列 Jimmy arranged to have his house watched while he was out of town. 吉米出遠門時,安排了人看管他的房子。 arrest v. 逮捕;妨礙 The police arrested the woman for stealing. 警察以偷竊罪逮捕這名女士。 arrive v. 到達;抵達 All of the students arrived late. 所有的學生都來遲了。 ask v. 問;請求 Nancy never asked for help. 南西從不請求幫助。 assume v. 假定;以為 Ben assumed Karen would be late, since



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