霍学喜:2013 现代农业发展现状及趋势.ppt

霍学喜:2013 现代农业发展现状及趋势.ppt

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霍学喜:2013 现代农业发展现状及趋势

* * 中国发展现代农业的思路 按照产品专用化、标准化、包装化、品牌化和商标化的思路,发展现代农业 借鉴城市工业中的产业组织方式,以提高农产品及其加工产品在流通领域的流动性和在市场上的竞争力为目标,逐步建立农业及其相关产业的行业标准、产品质量标准和行业管理规范。 具体包括: ——不断提高主要农产品生产的标准化程度,以适应农产品 及其加工产品大批量进入区域性、全国性和国际性农产品批 发市场、期货市场的发展需要。 ——绝大多数农产品及以农产品为原料的各类加工产品,都 需通过建立各自的行业标准和树立各具特色的品牌和商标等方 式,提高其行业保护和市场竞争能力。 ——绝大多数农产品及其加工产品均应以包装产品的形式进入国内 外市场,并参与市场竞争。 * * 结束语 准确理解新时期推进中国发展现代农业的四方面动力: 政府农业发展政策调整和优化: 发展现代农业的诱导力 环境整治、基础设施建设、土地治理: 发展现代农业的支撑力 科技进步(技术+管理): 发展现代农业的推动力 农产品市场结构转变: 发展现代农业的拉动力 * * * * * * Progress of the Rural Cooperative Medical Security System In 1991, the State Council approved a Request Instructions on Reforming and Strengthening Rural Healthcare Work which urged to “steadily promote the construction of rural cooperative medical security system and provide social safeguard on universal healthcare”. In 1993, China’s Communist Party published Decisions of Issues on Building up Socialism Market Economy System. It pointed out to “develop and perfect rural cooperative medical system”. in 1994, Chinese Ministry of Agriculture collaborated with the National Ministry of Health and WHO, has started to promote “Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme in China” in some trial stations from 14 counties of 7 provinces. By 1997, the program has covered 17 percent of national administrative villages and 9.7 percent of rural residents participated in the program. An evaluation of the results showed room of improvement, but much was positive and the scheme is to be considered further * Progress of the Rural Cooperative Medical Security System In 1991, the State Council approved a Request Instructions on Reforming and Strengthening Rural Healthcare Work which urged to “steadily promote the construction of rural cooperative medical security system and provide social safeguard on universal healthcare”. In 1993, China’s Communist Party published


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