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~~~~, k~~*,*~#£~«ff,w~~~~~-~~2~ exdudes al mechanical and vertical transportation shafts and the egress stairs The logic at t~ ~of rreasuring is to gauge howa oor perfClrIT1S, relative ill2IiJilJll±!-L ffliiliirliIIF~ilJBti~iI~!-L$$, ~*S to a oor of a single story of ce building Vlttich theoretically will be hundred iJ$$,E£mxi*n~r.~~ms.~~~~~ilJw~.~~ percent ef cienr. However, an oWler rroywant to know the p1annable area, \Ii. 1ltf:!.W!ji:a:..1ifiIJlilAzIF. which sometimes is referred as the carpeted a[ea to gross O(l( area ratio. This nurrter wit result In a different et ciency ratio,lowertflan the former one. ~7i:~lIlJOmii. lO{lJiln;,~. l!:$~l!i9:it~l~ Depending on leasing practices and mea$l,Jrernent conventions on a particular 7i~lIlU ll:~. llJO!lI flIlilJllIj~. !ofl!:Illitil:~ city the leasable alea of the bu~ding varies signi cantty and ,Illy discu~on on ef denc.y at leasable afea needs to clarify how the measurements are done ~ilt$!1.llliIJ#lil. ilJl!~llfiHi.l!. lltmf1~i1iS• ilillllf Real Estate Board of N~York (RE8NY) de nes leasable area meaSlJrements 6li/ltll!1IlJ!! ilillliIJ ItilJii;-l+tl:~llIlJ!! iiiJO i\%l]!ilJ1l!$ to bmg a rabornll basis 10 rrcasuring buildings in NewYork, This however, wi


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