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血药浓度(Plasma Concentration)系指药物吸收后在血浆内的总浓度,包括与血浆蛋白结合的或在血浆游离的药物,有时也可泛指药物在全血中的浓度。药物作用的强度与药物在血浆中的浓度成正比,药物在体内的浓度随着时间而变化。 Note to text Text A The scope of pharmacology Background Definition of Pharmacology The study of drugs, their sources, their nature, and their properties. Pharmacology is the study of the body's reaction to drugs. It emerged as a major area in American medicine largely due to the efforts of John Jacob Abel (1857- 1938) who stressed the importance of chemistry in medicine, did research on the endocrine glands内分泌, first isolated epinephrine肾上腺素(adrenaline), crystallized insulin结晶胰岛素 (1926), and became the first pharmacology professor in the U.S. phar‘ma·co·log’ic phar‘ma·co·log’i·cal (adj.) phar‘ma·co·log’i·cal·ly (adv.) phar'ma·col'o·gist n. World of the Body: pharmacology Pharmacology deals with all aspects of the actions of drugs on living tissues, particularly their effects on man. Drugs' actions, both at the molecular level (interaction of drug molecules with receptors) and also at the macroscopic or whole-body level (such as drug effects on the cardiovascular system), are considered. The subject can be divided into two main sections; pharmacodynamics药效动力学 and pharmacokinetics药物代谢动力学 . The first is concerned with how the effects of a drug are generated, while the second is concerned with how drugs are distributed around the body, how they are metabolized, and how they are finally excreted or eliminated from the body. Discovery of new drugs proceeds by considering how chemical agents can be used to potentiate使成为可能 , inhibit, or modify some cellular or bodily process. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia(简明不列颠百科全书): pharmacology Branch of medicine dealing with the actions of drugs in the body — both therapeutic and toxic effects — and development and testing of new drugs and new uses of existing ones. Though the first Western pharmacological treatise论文;专著(a listing of herbal plants) was compiled in the 1st century AD, scientific pha


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