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中国细胞生物学学报 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology 2016, 38(5): 603–607 DOI: 10.11844/cjcb.2016.05.0328 教学研究 在本科细胞生物学教学中强化课程作业的设置及评价 * 王秋雨 金莉莉 邰思佳 侯 潇 (辽宁大学生命科学院, 沈阳 110036) 报 摘要 细胞生物学是当今生物科学发展最为迅速的学科之一, 有限的课堂教学时数远远满足 不了学科发展的趋势及学生综合素质和能力培养的需求。该文针对目前我国高校多数教师在教学过 程中只重视知识传授, 忽视作业设置及评价等问题, 作者结合多年的细胞生物学教学经验, 并借鉴某 学 些国外高校的教学方式, 总结了近年来细胞生物学教学中设置课程作业的方式及评价重点。实践结 果显示, 强化课程作业设置及科学评价对学生综合素质的提高和能力培养具有重要作用。该文关于 细胞生物学课程作业的设置及评价也可推广到生物科学其他核心课程的教学之中, 以提高生命科学 专业学生的培养质量。 学 关键词 细胞生物学; 课程作业; 本科生; 素质教育; 能力培养 Strengthen Setting Up and Evaluating of Assignment in Undergraduate 物 Course Cell Biology Teaching Wang Qiuyu*, Jin Lili, Tai Sijia, Hou Xiao (Life Science School of Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, China) 生 Abstract Cell Biology is one of the most rapidly developing courses in biology science, and the limited teaching hours is far from to satisfy both subject growth trends and the demand to cultivate students’ comprehensive 胞 quality. Based on the status that majority of teachers in Chinese universities attached great importance to the knowledge teaching, but ignored the assignment setting and evaluating, we summarized the experience in this paper by paying attention to assignment setting and evaluating during the undergraduate teaching process of cell biology, which would be help to further realized the teaching purpose of understanding the present situation of cell biology 细 and developing students’ quality and ability. What we mentioned about the assignment of cell biology teachi


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