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张大华 Zhang Dahua (1959-) 张大华 Az ?rlap teteje Az ?rlap alja   张大华,1959年3月生于北京。中国国家一级美术师。   2007年大宝法王生日之际,受国家特邀,为其创作了《莲花升日》,作为中国政府赠送给了大宝法王生日贺礼。   2008年张大华先生受山东邹城文物局慕名特别委托,为问世1500多年的铁山摩崖石刻经拓片配禅画,该刻经堪称我国书法史上一绝,是我国北朝书法的 三大宝库之一,共17行每行约60字,不愧为“大字鼻祖,榜书之宗”。一字一画,以他独特的禅画与之对语,来解读刻经,完成主题为:《跨越时空的千年艺术 对话》。这部负有历史价值和珍藏价值的巨作,计划6年完成,现已有部分作品完成。   2009年11月美国总统奥巴马先生访问中国前期,受国家特邀,张大华为其创作作品《对弈》,作为中国国礼送给美国总统奥巴马先生。   2011年3月美国洛克菲勒家族第五代掌门人史蒂夫?洛克菲勒曾专程来北京,洽谈禅画艺术家张大华先生的作品收藏及推广事宜。并收藏张大华先生作品《生机》。   2012年7月至9月作为中国文化形象代表,在纽约时代广场的大屏幕上滚动播放《大华禅画宣传片》。   2013年4月在美国彼岸艺术学会北京艺术空间举办《禅与日常》大华禅画展。   张大华先生开拓了中国的富有哲学思想的禅画。   绘画不仅是艺术,更重要的是对人生哲学的一种渲染和表述,将原本境界玄虚的中国传统画,从传统的艺术哲学转换成人生哲学,是张大华先生几十年来独有的创作之旅。   作品多次在国内外展出和发表于各种重要报刊、电视专题等宣传报道,许多作品为国内外博物馆﹑机构及众多收藏家收藏,如:美国国会图书馆、美国大都会博物馆等,并多次出版大华禅画画集。 Born in Beijing, Mr. Zhang Dahua was a disciple both of the modern Chinese painting master Qi Baishi, and also of Mr. Qis successor, Mr. Lou Shibai. A national painter of the highest rank, Zhangs work utilizes the simplest painting language - a gift inherited from the example of Qi and Lou. Zhangs grasp of Chinese literary imagination, Chan (Zen meditation), and his life experiences all contribute to his Chinese Zen paintings.   A national artist, Zhang Dahua is a consultant to the Chinese Artists Association (Beijing, China) and the Chinese Calligraphy Institute (Taipei, Taiwan). He is recognized as a Distinguished Honorable Expert by United University in Beijing and is art consultant to the Global CEO Club. These are a few examples of his distinctions.   In 2008, Zhang Dahua was invited by the Cultural Relics Bureau of Shandong Zhoucheng for a specially-commissioned work involving the 1,500-year old great cliff carvings. He made rubbings of the stone-carvings and incorporated the rubbings into his work, in tribute to the distinctive stone-carvings aspect of Chinese calligraphic tradition. A monumental work involving an artistic dialogue spanning millennia, this work of Zhangs took eight years to complete.   In preparation for t


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