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20 2 Vol. 20 No. 2 1998 6 JOURNAL OFMECHANICAL STRENGTH June 1998 ON THE INITIATION OF FATIGUE CRACKS AT WELDED TOE ( 机械科学研究院核设备安全与可靠性研究中心, 北京 1000 ) Nie Beigang (R esear ch I nst itute of M ach inery Sc ience Technology ,B e ij ing 1000 , Ch ina) 17 , ( 010 m20 m ) (00. 5 mm ) , , 50% , = - 1 R , , , 0. 5 mm O3 6. 23O3 6. 5T G 05 Abstract 17 cruciform fillet welded specimens were tested axially under t he combination of 2 , 5 2 - ( - ) stress rat ios stress amplitudes and post w elding conditions st ress relieved and as w elded for studying the initiat ion of fat igue cracks from t he w elded toe. The notch effect at t he w elded t oe reduces very much the init iation life of crack ( 010 m or 20 m in depth) . The initiation life( i. e. 00. 5 ) , , , mm in dept h is indeed in engineering sense a process during w hich short cracks propagate coalesce and repropagate, and take more than 50% of the t otal life of a struct ure. T he process can be monit ored . by a serial micro strain gages The loading mode and the w elding residual st ress have an import ant ef- . = - 1, fect on the initiation and propagation of cracks When R the short cracks on the stress relieved specimens are adjacently elongated, and in other conditions, they are several



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