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看Ugly Betty学英语 第一季 2集:The Box and the Bunny [Previously on Ugly Betty] 《丑女贝蒂》前情提要 -Amanda: Oh, my god. 我…的…天! -Wilhelmina: That nepotistic son of a bitch gives my job to his... nepotistic: 裙带关系的 bitch: 母狗 son of a bitch: 混蛋 那个贱人把我的工作给了他的… -Marc: His son. 他的儿子。 -Daniel:Who do you work for? work for: 为…效力 你是跟谁做事的? -Betty: Im your new assistant. assistant: 助手,助理 我是您的新助理。 -Christina:He made Daniel hire you because he didnt want his son hire: 雇佣 他让Daniel雇你,只是因为他不想让他儿子, to be tempted to sleep with his assistants anymore. be tempted to: 被诱惑 tempt: 诱惑,吸引 再被他的那些个助理给”助”到床上去而已。 -Walter: Im in love with someone else. be in love with: 与…相爱 我爱上别人了。 -Betty: Gina Gambarro? Gina Gambarro? -Gina: You broke my plasma! plasma: 等离子电视 你弄坏了我的等离子电视! -Mystic: Im very unhappy. 我很不爽。 -Wilhelmina: Its a setback. But its just a matter of time. setback: 挫折 a matter of: (关于…)的问题 只是个小挫折。不过只是时间长短的关系。 Once hes out of the picture,the company will be ours for the taking. out of the picture: 出局,不相干 for the taking: 随意取用 只要他出局了,公司就是你我的了。 -Marc: Great bunny. bunny: 兔子 很靓的兔子。 -Betty: Oh, thank you. 谢谢。 My sister gave that to me when I graduated from Queens College. graduate: 毕业 college: 学院 我从Queens学院毕业的时候,我姐姐送给我的。 -Marc: One of America’s best value colleges. value: 价值 那可是美国最好的大学之一啊。 -Betty: Yep, yep, thats the one. yep: 美俚=yes 是的,是的,没错。 Its sort of a good-luck charm, seeing as I am doing. sort of: 有几分地 good luck: 好运气 charm: 魔力 我现在能做工作,真是我的运气。 What Ive always wanted to-- magazine publishing. magazine: 杂志 publishing: 出版业 就是我一直以来,都想要做的—杂志行业。 -Marc: Well, kudos, and I certainly applaud your efforts kudos: 光荣 certainly: 当然 applaud: 赞赏 effort: 努力 我真的很欣赏你的办公桌。 At personalizing your desk. So... different. So you. personalize: 使个性化 如此的个性化,如此的…与众不同。你也是。 -Wilhelmina: Marc! Marc! -Marc: I have to go. 我得走了。 -Daniel: Oh, it was an amazing night for me, too. amazing: 惊人的,很棒的 对我来说也是一个难忘的夜晚。 Listen, I gotta get back to work. I will call you very, very soon, okay? All right. gotta: 美俚 =have got to 我得工作了,我等下立刻打


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