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本科生毕业论文 题目:安徽省小额贷款公司发展状况的调查分析 系 部 经济与管理学院 学科门类 经济学 专 业 经济学 学 号 0806111069 姓 名 张雅文 指导教师 刘志迎、刘冬萍 2012年5月14日 安徽省小额贷款公司发展状况的调查分析 摘 要 近年来,面对着严重的融资难问题,一些中小企业由于资金链紧张处于倒闭、停产、半停产状态,中小企业的发展也因此陷入瓶颈。同时,“三农”问题一直也是中国经济发展要解决的重大问题,农业的持续发展更关系着国计民生和社会稳定。 安徽省自2008年10月开始试点以来,全省小额贷款公司发展迅速,在服务中小企业和“三农”方面发挥了重要作用。但是在快速发展的同时,其可持续发展的制约因素依然很多,探寻小贷公司问题所在与解决之策,对实现安徽省小额贷款公司的持续发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文分为四个部分,第一部分简述安徽省小额贷款公司的发展现状和积极作用;第二部分以安徽省为例,阐述了几家典型的小额贷款公司的发展现状,并进行了比较;第三部分指出安徽省小额贷款公司存在的普遍问题;第四部分探讨了小额贷款公司可持续发展的对策建议。 关键词:小额贷款公司 可持续发展 中小企业 区域经济 ABSTRACT In recent years, hard to face serious financing problems, some small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the capital chain tension at the closure of closed down, discontinued, semi-shutdown state, the development of SMEs into a bottleneck. In the same time, the three rural issue has been Chinas economic development to solve the major issues, sustainable development of agriculture is more related to peoples livelihood and social stability. Anhui Province since started a pilot in October 2008, the provinces small loan company has developed rapidly and played an important role in services to small and medium-sized enterprises and the three rural. But in the rapid development of its sustainable development constraints are still a lot to explore the problem and the solution of a small loan company policy has important practical significance to the continued development of small loan companies in Anhui Province. The paper is divided into four parts, the first part about this small loan company in Anhui province and current situation of the development of the positive role; the second part of Anhui Province, on the development status of several typical small loan companies, and compared; the third part of the common problems by small loan companies in Anhui Province ; the fourth part discusses the micro-loan company for sustainable development suggestions. Keywords: Small loan companies S


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