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理货英语 件杂货 注:CT:Chief Tally 理货长 CO:Chief Officer 大副 一、进口 场景1:索要舱单船图。商定验残方式。 CT:Good morning, Chief Officer. 早晨好,大副。 CO:Good morning. Take a seat, please. 早晨好。请坐。 CT:Thank you. I’m the Chief Tally. Could you tell me something about the cargo condition? 谢谢,我是理货组长。能告诉我一些货物的情况吗? CO:OK. Here is the cargo plan. We loaded in Hamburg , Rotterdam and discharged in Tianjin, Shanghai, Xiamen. 当然。这是船图。我们在汉堡和鹿特丹装船在天津、上海和厦门卸船。 CT:I see. Any disputes over the figures? 哦,那数字上有争议吗? CO:No, nothing. 没有争议。 CT:Any cargo short? 货物有没有短少。 CO:No, either. 没有短少。 CT:Did you find any cargo damaged? 有没有发现残损? CO:Yes, I put remarks on the shipping orders. 是的,我已经在装货单上加批注了。 CT:Well, please tell me something about the through cargo. 哦,请告诉我过港货的情况。 CO:The through cargo is stowed in the lower hold of Hatch No.2 and in the tweendeck of Hatch No.3. Their locations are marked with different colors on the stowage plan. 过港货装在二舱底舱和三舱二层柜上。他们的位置在船图上用不同的颜色进行了标记。 CT:Is it well separated from the Shanghai cargo? 过港货跟上海的货隔好票了吗? CO:Sure. Plenty of nets were used for separation. 当然。用了很多网子来隔票。 CT:Then what about the separation of the cargo for this port? 那本港货隔票情况怎么样呢? CO:Well, no separation between the copper bars. You can distinguish them by size. As to the seamless steel tubes, we made separation with colored tapes. 哦,铜条没有隔票。你们可以通过尺寸来区分。无缝钢管我们用彩带隔票了。 CT:By the way, Could you give me the manifest? 对了,能不能给我来一份舱单? CO:No problem. Here you are. 没问题,给你。 CT:Thank you, Sir. In case we find damaged cargo, shall we discharge it ashore or leave it on board for your inspection? 谢谢,先生。如果有残损我们是卸下去还是留在甲板上让你检查一下呀? CO:If you find any damaged cargo you can ask duty officer to exam, I’ll sign the On-the-Spot Record afterwards. 如果发现残损,你可以让值班副去检查,然后我会在现场记录上签字。 CT:OK. See you later. 好的,过会见。 CO:See you. 过会见。 场景2:残损处理。 CT:Chief, here is the On-the-Spot Record. Please sign it. 大副,这是现场记录,请签字。 CO:Let me have a look first. Oh, god. 48 bundles of steel plate


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