Chapter 5 状语从句.PDF

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Chapter5 状语从句 Part OneRead aninterestingpassage 1.1Readingcomprehension ‘Itsonlyme’ After herhusbandhadgonetowork (时间状从),Mrs.Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with her husband (原因状从). She intended to dressup as a ghost and as shehad made her costume the night before (原因状从), she was impatient to try it on. Though the costumeconsisted only of a sheet (让步状从),it wasvery effective.After puttingit on (现在分词作状语),Mrs.Richardswent downstairs. Shewantedtofind outwhether itwouldbecomfortabletowear (宾从).Just asMrs. Richardswas entering the dining-room (时间状从),therewas aknock on the front door.Sheknew that itmustbethebaker (宾从).Shehadtoldhimtocome straight in ifever shefailedtoopen thedoor andtoleavethebread onthekitchen table (状从). Notwantingtofrighten thepoorman (现在分词作状语),Mrs.Richardsquicklyhid in the small store-room under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the store-room was opened and a man entered.Mrs.Richardsrealizedthat itmustbetheman from theElectricity Board (宾 从)(whohad cometoreadthemeter 定从).Shetriedtoexplainthe situation,saying Itsonlyme (现在分词作状语),but itwastoolate (but 连接的并列转折句).The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces. When Mrs. Richards walked towardshim(时间状从),hefled,slammingthedoorbehindhim(现在分词作状语). 1.2 找出文中所有的状语从句,圈出连词。找出文中的其他从句 (名词性从句和 定语从句)。 状语从句有7句;名词性从句有3句;定语从句有1句 PartTwoAll about grammar 2.1语法填空题 Saraneededto seethe doctor.She had an upset stomach. She felt bloated,andneededtopass gasevery minute or so.Thiswasterrible.She (1)couldhardly go anywhereinpublic. Her friendstold her it was (2)because she had moved toAmerica.The air,water, and food in America werent agreeing with her. They said (3)aftershe returned to her hom


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