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智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料 SAT阅读长难句整理-智课教育出国考试 备考SAT的过程中大家有时会碰到一些较为复杂的长难句,这就会 给大家带来阅读理解的障碍,但其实一些长难句看上去十分复杂,不知 道在说些什么,今天小编分享给大家SAT阅读长难句整理。 很多考生碰到SAT阅读长难句就会胆怯,实际上把那些修饰性的结 构去掉,提出句子主干之后,你会发现这些句子只是一些平时常见的结 构,不过是加上了一大堆修饰性语句,或者几个并列结构而已。所以, 在刚碰到这些长难句的时候,大家要找到句子的主干部分,经过一段时 间的练习,大家就可以顺着句子的顺序快速的理解其中的意思了。在这 里,智课教育的小编就为大家推荐SAT阅读长难句整理,希望对大家有 帮助。 长难句1 : His Behind the Scenes at the Front, published in 1915, exudes cheer, as well as warm condescension, toward the common British soldier, whom he depicts as well fed, warm, safe, and happy-better off, indeed, than at home. 难句类型:插入语,从句修饰 难句分析:这个句子的主干是His Behind the Scenes at the Front exudes….. toward the common British soldier,句子当中的published in 1915做的是插入语,对这本书进行进 一步的说明 ,toward….说的是动作exudes发出的对象 ,之后的whom 引导的是定语从句。 句子翻译:发表于1015年的His Behind the Scenes at the Front 这本书对英国士兵的描写流露出一种愉悦以及温暖的恩赐态度 ,其中将 那些士兵描述成是温饱 ,安全 ,快乐的形象 ,甚至超越了在家中的生活 。 长难句2 : It is no surprise to find Northcliffes Times on July 3,1916, reporting the first days attack during the battle of the Somme with an airy confidence which could not help but deepen the division between those on the spot and those at home. 难句类型:非谓语动词 ,从句修饰 难句分析:这个句子中的It is no surprise to find中的it is结构的形式宾语,句子原本的结构是find Northcliffes Times on July 3,1916…is…..,句子后面还有一个which引导的主语从句。非谓语 动词reporting修饰的是Northcliffes Times on July 3,1916 句子翻译:1916年7月3日的时代周刊中报道不但没有帮助反而加 深了战场上和家中人们的隔阂这一点也不会让人们感到惊讶 ,报道中对 于第一天的索姆战役充满了虚假的自信。 长难句3 : The wartime poems,stories,and memoirs by women sometimes subtly,sometimes explicitly explore the political and economic revolution by which the First World War at least temporarily dispossessed male citizens of the primacy that had always been their birthright, while permanently granting women access to both the votes and the professions that they had never before possessed. 难句类型:从句修饰 难句分析:这个句子的主干成分是The wartime poems,stories,and memoirs explore the p


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