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自由基在视神经损伤后的毒性作用及氨基胍对其影响 张俊琦1*,刘志英2,邢达勇2,胡丽荣2,刘太平3,王林洪2, 【摘要】目的 观察氨基胍(Aminoguaniding,AG)在兔视神经损伤后对视网膜超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)(MDA)d、3d、7d、14d、21d组。损伤组采用同一反向动脉夹夹闭视神经法制作动物模型。伤后立即耳缘静脉注射2%AG溶液(损伤治疗组)及等量生理盐水(损伤对照组),测定视网膜组织中SOD、MDA的含量。结果视神经损伤后MDA含量逐渐升高,而SOD活力逐渐下降,同一时间点损伤对照组和损伤治疗组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论AG通过对抗自由基的途径减少兔视神经损伤诱导的视网膜神经节细胞(retinal ganglion cell,RGC)凋亡。 【关键词】视神经损伤;视网膜;自由基;氨基胍; The effect of Aminoguaniding on the toxic action of free radical after optic nerve injury ZHANG Jun-qi1*,LIU Zhi-ying2,XING Da-yong2,HU Li-rong2,LIU Tai-ping3,WANG Lin-hong2 1.Dept.ophthalmology,Fangezhuang Hospital,kailuan General Hospital,Tang shan, 063000,CHINA [Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of Aminoguaniding on the level of Superoxide Dismutase and Maleic Dialdehyde ,s content in retina after optic nerve injury in rabbits.Methods Sixty-six healthy adult rabbits were randomly divided into three groups: Normal control group, Injury control group, Injury treatment group. According to the surviving time after injury,the injury group were divided into 5 subgroup by sacrificed time:1d、3d、7d 、14d and21d,The animals of the injury group received optic nerve clipping injury with the same artery clamp forceps to the nerve . The injury treatment group were injected 2%AG through ear-border vein.The injury control group were were injected equal 0.9%NS through ear-border vein.Check out MDA ,s content and SOD ,s vitality in retina Results MDA,s content increased gradually in the Retina tissue after optic nerve injury.With tissue injury increase further, SOD,s vitality decreased gradually.he injury treatment groups and the injury control group were significantly different (P0.05)at the same time points . Conclusion Through resist free radical ,AG can reduce RGC,s apoptosis after optic nerve injury in rabbits. 【Key words】ptic nerve injury; Retina; free radical; Aminogunidine; 视神经损伤是眼科常见病,预后不佳,常致患者失明。由于其发病机制尚未完全明了,所以对其治疗仍是国内外眼科界的难题。近几年在众多的损伤机制中自由基的毒性作用越来越受到重视,MDA是自由基脂质过氧化反应最终代谢产物,测


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