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Jou rnal of T ianjin Inst it ut e of P hy s ical Educat ion 11 4 1996 12 V ol . 11. N o . 4, Dec, 1996 Fit ness for All General Forum A SO CIO LO G ICA L PO N DER IN G O N T HE T R EN D O F CO MM U N IT Y SP ORT D EV EL - OP M EN T IN CHIN A X 林显鹏  郑洪才 张明伟 L in Xianpen g Zh en g Hon gcai Zhang M in gw ei , , , , Abstract Fr om the socio lo gical ang le, this pap er ex plain s the r ise of m ass spo rt and community spo rt , their relation ship a nd the dev elopm ent tr end of co mmunity spor t in the future. T he p ap er r ev ea ls tr adit ional m ass spor t is the pro du ct o f Chi- nese unit phenom eno n . Wit h the w ea kening o f unit pheno m enon , m ass spor t w ill re- t ur n t o the so ciety , resulting in the developm ent of community spor t . Co mmunity spor t w ill dev elo p acco rding to this thr ead individu al spo nt aneo u s spo rt f am ily spor t the spring ing up of spor t social g ro ups comm unit y spo r t . Key words co mmunity spor t socio log ym ass spo rt , , 1) ; 2) ; 3) 1 , , , , , , X 10006 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ( ) , , 2 , , 1993 256 26 1984 80% 16% , , , , , , , , , , , 4 8. 98% ( ) 1987 , 77. %


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