中西医结合(Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine).doc

中西医结合(Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine).doc

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中西医结合(Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine)

中西医结合(Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine) The new starting point of theoretical study of integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The combination of disease and syndrome is only the initial stage of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. We should consciously make full use of modern medical research combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, especially the principle and the whole medical pathophysiology thoughts, theoretical interpretation of syndrome in nature, explore the combination of disease and syndrome patterns of pathophysiological basis. The pathological process and syndrome at different stages of the disease process are the two inseparable aspects of the same pathophysiological change and internal and external correlation. The combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, combined with pathological process and syndrome , will promote the differentiation trend of consciously and orderly state, the realization of combination of disease and syndrome , disease Tongzhi individualized treatment principle. Starting with pathophysiology The research model of combination of disease and syndrome will be further developed Review the history of the study of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, from the late Qing Dynasty to date, has gone through more than 100 years of history. The early Chinese and Western Huitong school tried to communicate with Chinese and Western medicine. It was the whole collision between the two medical theories in China and the West. It played a leading role in the initial stage of the integration of TCM and Western medicine. Since 1960s, with the start of system engineering in the field of medicine of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, although once in the last century in 80s after a period of time fall into the trough, but it is still a great creation in the history of human medicine, meanwhile, has mainly researched the essence of syndrome



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