2014年《导和练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 17 Laughter Seciton1(含答案).doc

2014年《导和练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 17 Laughter Seciton1(含答案).doc

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2014年《导和练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 17 Laughter Seciton1(含答案)

Unit 17  Laughter Section Ⅰ Warm-up Lesson 1 Ⅰ.品句填词 eq \a\vs4\al(1.)The public are particularly interested in amusing________(轶事) of celebrities(名人). eq \a\vs4\al(2.)A ________(政治家)should be a servant of the people. eq \a\vs4\al(3.)It is ________(难以置信的)that the little child can speak eight foreign languages. eq \a\vs4\al(4.)My grandfather’s getting so ________(健忘的)—sometimes,he can’t even remember his own name. eq \a\vs4\al(5.)After four years of college,the students have a much more ________(成熟的) attitude towards life. eq \a\vs4\al(6.)One of the other passengers who were ________(排队)to get on the train suddenly had a heart attack. eq \a\vs4\al(7.)The ________ (身份)of the air-crash victims hasn’t been clarified. eq \a\vs4\al(8.)He only cleans up his room when it gets really ________(混乱的). Ⅱ.完成句子 eq \a\vs4\al(1.)所有的学生听了这个笑话后都大笑起来了。 All the students ________ ________ ________ at the joke. eq \a\vs4\al(2.)咖啡馆人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候。 The cafeteria is short-handed so we’ll have to ________ ________ ________ . eq \a\vs4\al(3.)不要朝我那样叫嚷! Don’t ________ ________ me like that! eq \a\vs4\al(4.)如果你继续开我的玩笑,我就揍你一顿。 If you go on making fun of me,I’ll give you a ________ ________ . Ⅲ.句型转换 eq \a\vs4\al(1.)All human beings are now living harmoniously. All human beings are now living ________ ________ . eq \a\vs4\al(2.)She didn’t notice the spelling mistakes in her composition. She ________ the spelling mistakes in her composition. eq \a\vs4\al(3.)What did you do with your prize money? How did you ________ ________ your prize money? eq \a\vs4\al(4.)I study hard,so I may not fail in the examinations. I study hard ________ ________ I may not fail in the examinations. Ⅳ.单项填空 eq \a\vs4\al(1.)Both________ and ________ laughter do harm to your health. A.burst out crying;burst into B.to burst out tears;to burst into C.bursting into tears;bursting into D.bursting into crying;bursting out eq \a\vs4\al(2.)Eventually the local government rebuilt the bridge ________ the appeal and even pressur


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