计算机操作技能测试题(Computer skill test).doc

计算机操作技能测试题(Computer skill test).doc

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计算机操作技能测试题(Computer skill test)

计算机操作技能测试题(Computer skill test) Windows basic operation, does not limit the operation mode (10 points). * * * * * * this type consists of 5 items of * * * * * * * (1) the examinee folder under the file in the FENG\WANG folder under the folder BOOK.PRG to move to the candidates in the CHANG folder, and the file will be renamed TEXT.PRG. (2) the examinee folder under the file in the CHU folder to delete JIANG.TMP. (3) the examinee folder under the file in the REI folder copied to the SONG.FOR folder under the CHENG folder. Candidates (4) create a new folder in the YANG. folder under the NAO folder in the examinee (5) the file in the ZHOU\DENG folder under the OWER.DBF folder candidates set to hide and file attributes. Two, Word operation (30 points) Open the document in WORD1.DOC candidates folder, as required to complete the following operations and was saved: The title text (a A twentieth round forward) is set to three, red font _GB2312 (Xi Wen Chinese font), middle, and blue box after paragraph 0.5. The text segment (Qi wusheng The top three. ) set for hanging indent 2 characters, 1 characters around the indentation, line spacing is 1.1 times the spacing. Set the page size for A4. The last 4 lines of text into a 4 row and the 9 column of the table, and in the integral column according to the formula of integral =3* + Sheng Ping calculate and input the corresponding content. Set the table with second columns, seventh columns, eighth columns column width is 1.7 cm, the width of columns is 1 cm, 0.6 cm high, middle table; set the table all middle middle; set all forms a line of 0.75 pounds for the blue double narrow line. Three, Excel operation (20 points) The famous EXCEL.XLS EXCEL worksheet in the following folder candidates according to the requirements of this work, complete the following table and formerly saved: Open the workbook file EXCEL.XLS, the students in the college entrance and distribution of data into a data table (stored in the A1:D6 area), and find t



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