计算机理论题及答案第四套理论题(The theory of computer theory of fourth sets of questions and answers).doc

计算机理论题及答案第四套理论题(The theory of computer theory of fourth sets of questions and answers).doc

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计算机理论题及答案第四套理论题(The theory of computer theory of fourth sets of questions and answers)

计算机理论题及答案第四套理论题(The theory of computer theory of fourth sets of questions and answers) 2011.12 months of computer culture basis exam fourth sets of questions A single choice, 1 points for each question. 1. in Word 2003, in the printing process, page radio box has three options, including options (B) The current page A. B. even page All C. D. page range 2. in PowerPoint 2003, the film set, false statement is (C). A. can be set for every period of time automatic paging According to the B. page to set a good rehearsal time C. is only a mouse click Page D. can be set to the page and click the mouse 3. in the windows XP operating system, when successfully completed the add network printers to work after the printers and fax printer icon under the window, there will be a sign (D), and the difference in local printer. A. renyiyitai shared printer B. hand C. default printer D. cable In 4. FrontPage 2003 view mode Preview window, can carry out the operation is (A) A. observation on the page in a browser effect B. edit page The C. HTML code editor D. download pictures 5. in PowerPoint 2003, the term view (A). A. display or edit slide way B. display graphics C. is a kind of special graphics See figure D. 6. in the Word editor, the implementation of the Edit menu copy command (B). A. cursor paragraph contents are copied to the clipboard B. selected contents are copied to the clipboard C. is the choice of the content is copied to the insertion point D. insertion point contents are copied to the clipboard In 7. Window XP, the following statement is correct (A). A. if the mouse is broken, you cannot select the icons on the desktop B. double click on the taskbar date / time display area, can adjust the machines default date or time C. if the mouse is broken, will not be able to exit the Windows The D. taskbar is always at the bottom of the screen 8. in Excel 2003, to enter the date in the cell can use shortcut keys (D). A.Alt+Shift+: B.Alt+: C.Ctrl+Shift+: D.Ctrl+: 9. to complete t



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