计算机网络技术与应用作业3(The computer network technology and application of operation 3).doc

计算机网络技术与应用作业3(The computer network technology and application of operation 3).doc

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计算机网络技术与应用作业3(The computer network technology and application of operation 3)

计算机网络技术与应用作业3(The computer network technology and application of operation 3) 1. (Dan Xuanti) official name is: (HTML). The A. Homepage Making language B. hypertext markup language C. WWW programming language D. INTERNET programming language Reference answer: B Your answer: 2. (RadioButtonList) in network interconnection equipment, used in the data link layer is () A, B, C, modem, router D switch hub Reference answer: B Your answer: 3. (RadioButtonList) described below to E - Mail, (only) is correct. A, not to send yourself a E - Mail B, a E - Mail only to a person C, E - Mail will not be forwarded to him in D, a E mail can send more than one person Reference answer: D Your answer: 4. (RadioButtonList) under the agreement, () is not a transfer of E - Mail protocol. A, SMTP B, POP C, RLOGIN D, MIME Reference answer: C Your answer: 5. (RadioButtonList) including the effect of relay () A, B, C amplification of the signal storage frame, frame forwarding, D routing Reference answer: A Your answer: 6. (Dan Xuanti) the most basic meaning of hypertext is: (a). The text contains a A. image B. the text contains a voice C. the text contains a binary character D. the text contains a link to other text links Reference answer: D Your answer: 7. (Dan Xuanti) transmission rate of magnitude up to lan. A 1K -100Kbps B) 100K-1M) C) 1M-1000MB/s D) 1M-1000Mbps Reference answer: D Your answer: 8. (Dan Xuanti) known as fox user login, the users host name for , which of the following email address is written right? A. @ B. @fox C. @.fox D. fox@ Reference answer: D Your answer: 9. (Dan Xuanti) host address portion of an IP address for the 1, the address is () A) unknown network address B broadcast address) C) test. D) none of the above Reference answer: B Your answer: 10. (RadioButtonList) host domain name is composed of 4 sub domains, which represent subdomains host name? A. public B. TPT C. TJ D. cn Reference answer: A Your answer: 11. (RadioButtonList) INTERNET, which of the following w


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