让win7显示摄像头图标的方法(Let win7 camera icon display method).doc

让win7显示摄像头图标的方法(Let win7 camera icon display method).doc

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让win7显示摄像头图标的方法(Let win7 camera icon display method)

让win7显示摄像头图标的方法(Let win7 camera icon display method) 1, D:\TDDOWNLOAD\ universal camera driver Chinese Chinese version, Chinese version of universal camera driver Amcap copy of this application (44kb) to C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts, you can see it in the open my computer. 2, how to make your Windows7 system sleep did not forget to download? We need to open the registry editor, in the start menu at the search box, enter regedit and then enter open registry editor. Find the term HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Power in the registry, then on the right side of the window in the blank right click the mouse, a new DWORD32 value, and named AwayModeEnabled, double-click to open at the same time the number 1 point to determine whether the key input, then close the registry editor will be accomplished! Now you go to open the thunder or express executive download task, while windows7 sleep, try to download to complete your assignment? If you do not want to use this mode, directly in accordance with the above steps back to the keys in the registry editor to find new, it can be deleted. 3, ten optimization techniques help you Win7 system a fast faster 1. to speed up the startup speed of windows7 system Is the use of windows7 operating system users may have obvious feeling, windows7 start speed is faster than the Vista a lot, but you want to make it faster? Come on do as I say. Microsoft windows7 is only the default to boot the system using a processor, but now many users already use multi processor computer, then dont waste, increase the number of cores for starting immediately can reduce the time of starting. Very simple, only need to modify a little bit system settings. First, open the windows7 start menu, enter msconfig command in search box, open the system configuration window after finding the guide option (English system Boot). Windows7 has a powerful and convenient search bar, remember some of the



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