让奥巴马入主白宫的情感营销(Let Obama in the White House emotional marketing).doc

让奥巴马入主白宫的情感营销(Let Obama in the White House emotional marketing).doc

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让奥巴马入主白宫的情感营销(Let Obama in the White House emotional marketing)

让奥巴马入主白宫的情感营销(Let Obama in the White House emotional marketing) The election is not only a political show, it is a show of emotion. In the field of emotional drama, who is better at marketing, who is most likely to become president. Obama the black horse, such as in a place where there is no one, a road victory, and with great advantage to win the U.S. presidential election, is the emotional marketing plays a decisive role. In this emotional economy era, emotion is affecting commercial, political emotion is affecting, emotions are all. I think Li Zheng is courting voters and votes, presidential candidates should try their best to impress is rational guard, and emotional prisoner voters, the love for you , passionately devoted . When the candidate becomes the emotional sustenance of voters, voting and it is not entirely rational decision, but by the perceptual control - when voters already conquered by the candidates personal charm. People are emotional captives -- this is the same for men or women. Obama is well versed in this master. In his speech at the Democratic National Convention on July 27, 2004, Obama with emotion, firmly seize the hearts of voters. In his speech, he borrowed the old Obama from Kenya to Americas story, talk about hopes and dreams, like a magnet deeply attracted the audiences heart. His speech is like an eloquent poor boy in front of his girlfriend said I would be the second Li Jiacheng, his girlfriend was impressed by his hopes and dreams, the same, the voters were attracted to Obamas hopes and dreams. In this way, Obamas dream has become a voter dream is the American dream. Old Obama is the master of love (his life ideal setting for a couple in love to marry three women), on Humen, Obama will not only make the heart of women, it is emotional marketing guru, through humorous and impassioned speech to tens of thousands of voters rather baffling excited. Obama rallies, participants ranging from thousands to more than tens of thousands of peopl



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