南开大学有机化学课件 有机化学反应基本问题.ppt

南开大学有机化学课件 有机化学反应基本问题.ppt

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南开大学有机化学课件 有机化学反应基本问题

有机化学反应的基本问题 Understanding Organic Reaction;本章的主要内容;Reaction Coordinate Diagrams 反应坐标图或反应势能变化图;The field of chemistry that describes the properties of a system at equilibrium is called thermodynamics (热力学) 热力学第一定律:能量守衡与转化定律 ——能量可以从一种形式转化成另一种形式,在转化过程中,能量总值不变 热力学第二定律:自发过程的不可逆性 ——不可能从单一热源吸热,使之全部转化为功,而不引起其他变化 热力学第三定律:熵变的计算;热力学状态函数 ——内能 U,体系各种能量的总和,绝对值不可知 ——熵 S,体系无序程度,有规定熵 ——吉布斯自由能 G ——亥姆霍兹自由能 A ——焓 H 分析研究这些状态函数的变化值;Thermodynamics ——几个基本概念和重要的关系式;Thermodynamics;When △G0 is negative, the reaction is exergonic(放能的), has a favorable equilibrium constant, and can occur spontaneously. When △G0 is positive, the reaction is endergonic(吸能的), has an unfavorable equilibrium constant, and cannot occur spontaneously.;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Thermodynamics;Kinetics(动力学)is the field of chemistry that describes the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect those rates. —— reaction rate and affecting facters, reaction progress (反应速率及影响因素,反应进程等);Kinetics;Kinetics;Kinetics;Kinetics;Ea (activation energy) —— 活化能 —— indicate the energy barrier, the greater the energy barrier (Ea), the slower the reaction rate;4、Transition state (过渡态)theory — represents the highest-energy state involved in the reaction. — bonds in the transition state are partially broken and formed. — is unstable and cannot be isolated, but we can imagine it.;4、Transition state (过渡态)theory;热力学控制与动力学控制;三、Reaction Mechanisms;Reaction Mechanisms 反应的具体步骤:键的断裂顺序和连接顺序 每步反应中的能量变化以及反应速率 反应立体化学;Reaction Mechanisms 烷烃自由基卤代反应;Reaction Mechanisms 烷烃自由基卤代反应;Reaction Mechanisms 烷烃自由基卤代反应; ;Active Intermediates;Carbocations and Radicals —— For both carbocations and radicals, the observed order of stability is: 30 20 10 +CH3 ( or .CH3 ) —— Hyperconjugation(超共轭作用);Active Intermediates Structures and Stability(结构与稳定性);Carbocations and Radicals 碳正离子的稳定性 30苄基型30烯丙型 20苄基型20烯丙型 30 20 ~ 10苄基型~10烯



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