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本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目:云南省德宏州边境旅游发 展中存在的问题及对策分析 学 院: 旅游学院 专 业: 旅游管理 姓 名: 指导教师: 2014 年 5 月 26 日 摘 要 德宏州地处祖国西南边陲,与缅甸接壤,长期以来与缅甸有着悠久的边贸历史,随着两国之间边境贸易的发展,边境旅游逐渐产生了。德宏发展边境旅游有着得天独厚的条件,但由于发展边境旅游的特殊性和复杂性,目前的发展状况并不乐观。本文主要先对德宏州边境旅游业发展的现状和优势机遇做了一个概述,然后再重点分析了目前存在的问题,包括德宏方面经济发展落后,国际旅游合作层级低,边境旅游形式单一、旅客逗留时间短,消费低,缺乏专业旅游人才,旅游形象不佳、宣传不到位,假货、次货充斥着旅游市场等问题,以及缅甸方面也存在的部分原因。最后再针对问题提出相应的措施来改善德宏的边境旅游发展。 关键词:德宏州 缅甸 边境旅游 Abstract Dehong Autonomous Prefecture is located in the southwest border, the border with Myanmar.Dehong has a long history of border trade with Myanmar. With the development of border trade between the two countries, border tourism gradually emerged.Dehong border tourism development has advantageous conditions, but because of the particularity and complexity of border tourism development, the present development situation is not optimistic.In this paper, first introduced the present situation of the development of border tourism in dehong and advantage of the opportunities.Then as a key analysis the existing problems in the border tourism development of dehong, including dehong lagging economic development, international tourism cooperation level is low, border tourism form a single, travelers stay time is short, low consumption, the lack of specialized tourist talents, poor tourism image and the lack of publicity, fake and shoddy goods filled in the tourism market,and some problems in Myanmar etc.Finally, in view of the problem put forward the corresponding measures to improve the dehong border tourism development. Key words: Dehong Autonomous Prefecture, Myanmar,border tourism 目 录 1 云南省德宏州边境旅游发展的现状............................................1 1.1德宏边境概况...........................................................1 1.2 德宏旅游业发展概况....................................................1 1.3 德宏边境旅游发展状....................................................2 2 德宏边境


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