中国粉末冶金结构件现状与未来发展趋势 Current Status and Development Trend of Structural PM Part Pr.ppt

中国粉末冶金结构件现状与未来发展趋势 Current Status and Development Trend of Structural PM Part Pr.ppt

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中国粉末冶金结构件现状与未来发展趋势 Current Status and Development Trend of Structural PM Part Pr

中国粉末冶金结构件的现状 和未来发展趋势 Current Status and Development Trend of Structural PM Part Production in China;前 言 Foreword;一、回 顾 I. Review;前五年的高速发展 Rapid Growth of Past 5 Years;前五年的高速发展 Rapid Growth of Past 5 Years;前五年的新增企业 Newcomers of the Past 5 Years;前五年的销售量增长 Sales Growth in the Past 5 Years;1. 产品单一 Limited range of products 2. 规模小 Small scale 3. 技术薄弱 Unadvanced technology 4. 以低廉的中低档产品恶性竞争 Winning the market by vicious price reduction 5. 发展快 Rapid growth 6. 机动灵活 Flexible;二、机遇与挑战 II. Opportunity Challenge;本行业的机遇 Opportunity for the industry;汽车工业发展给行业带来春天 Automotive Industry Brings Spring to PM Industry;;著名整机厂希望粉末冶金 结构件本土化 OEMs are looking forward to localizing PM parts;出口市场 Export Market;挑战和困难 Chanllenge Obstacle;三、趋势 III. Trend;世界著名企业逐鹿中国(趋势一) Trend I: International Players;质量求新高、价格创新低(趋势二) Trend II: High Quality Low Price;国产优质原材料将逐步替代进口材料(趋势三) Trend III: Quality Chinese Material will Replace Imports;优质国产设备将被普遍采用(趋势四) Trend IV: Quality Chinese Machines will be Universally Accepeted;;行业内企业加速联合、兼并(趋势六) Trend VI: More Merge Acquisition;思 考 Think about It;结束语


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