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International Master of
General Management (MBA)
Customized – based on the German Dual System
International Master of General Management (MBA)
关于卡尔 奔驰学院
Carl Benz Academy at a Glance
卡尔•奔驰是汽车的发明者。他是德 Carl Benz was the inventor of the automobile. He was
国的企业家、商人和工程师,同时又为人 a German entrepreneur, business man, father, husband
丈夫和父亲。他的妻子贝瑞塔是这一新 and engineer. His wife Bertha was the first marketing
兴行业的第一个营销人员,将自己丈夫 talent for a new industry and brought her husband’s
发明的汽车驾驶上路。 invention on to the road.
秉承奔驰夫妇的精神,成立于北京的卡尔•奔驰 In the spirit of Carl and Bertha Benz, the Carl Benz Academy was estab-
学院代表了企业家精神、创新与移动性。卡尔•奔驰学 lished in Beijing and represents entrepreneurship, innovation and mobility.
院按照国际化的标准,与来自中、德、美三国的知名 It develops tailor-made education and customized study modules
大学共同合作,为在职的专业人员开发定制化的教育 for working professionals, according to international standards and in
项目和学习模块。 cooperation with leading universities from China, Germany and the
United States.
汽车经销商及其人员定制推出了全新的双语项目。项 In addition to its existing MBA program, the Carl Benz Academy offers
目完成之后,学员将有机会获得由柏林斯泰恩拜斯大 new bilingual programs customized for companies or employees in the
学授予的国际认可的工商管理硕士学位。 automotive retail industry. At the end of the program, students will have
the opportunity to achieve an internationally recognized Master of
General Management from Steinbeis University Berlin.
Partner Universities