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A:Hello!welcome to our discussion . I’m joined today by B and C.i’m soleil B:And I’m B C:I’m C. A:oh , Hello, C. do you know about Euthanasia ? B:Yes.that is people who are attacked by incurable disease can’t surffer from the pains and decide to employ a humane way to end their lives without pain. C:do you think Euthanasia Should Be Legalized 正方: We think it’s necessary. On one hand, we can save our limiting medical resources for those who need treatment than any other people. On the other hand, we can keep patients from endless paint. 我们认为这是有必要的。一方面,我们可以节约有限的医疗资源给其他更需要的治疗的病人。另一方面,我们可以解脱这些受着无尽的痛苦的病人。 补充观点: 1. Euthanasia can release the stress of the society, if the patients can’t do any contribution. 如果那个病人无法做出任何贡献,那么安乐死可以减轻社会的负担。 2. Euthanasia can free the patients who are under heavy paint. 安乐死可以解脱那些正承受着巨大痛苦的病人。 3. A person’s life belongs to himself, he has access to end his life. 一个人的生命属于他自己,他有权结束自己的生命。 We feel this suffering, we have come with this then you have no choice in the circumstances, we have chosen euthanasia.This is not contempt for life, nor is it moral decline.Instead, it was a time in the lives of torment and suffering to the loved ones around us to the people we love.more acceptable alternative to the road.Therefore, we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life. 我们感受着这种痛苦,我们体会着这个中滋味,在无法选择的情况下,我们选择了安乐死。这不是对生命的藐视,也不是道德的沦丧。反而,这是一种 在生命面临煎熬和磨难的时候,为我们身边的亲人,为我们爱着的人,选择另一条更容易接受的道路。因此,我方认为,安乐死是尊重生命的一种方式 反方: I think we shouldn’t make euthanasia legal. Otherwise, some people may commit suicide through this way, which offer them an easy way to die. In addition, it can be an legal way to deprive(剥夺) people’s life, for those who have evil intentions. So, I don’t agree this point. 补充观点: 1. Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life 安乐死是拒绝了人类生活的意义和价值 The poor will truly be killed by poverty through euthanasia, because of no money for treatment. 穷人会真正地被贫穷以这种形式给杀死,因为没钱治疗。 Euth


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