lesson4 first impressions分析.ppt

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lesson4 first impressions分析

Divide the story into four parts Part 1 Beginning: Part 2 Development: Part 3 Climax(高潮): Part 4 Ending: Find the six factors in this story When (time): Where (place): Who (character): What (event): Why (cause): How (outcome): Choose the best answer “The last straw ”means:___________. something that can save your life. something that breaks you down. something that becomes the only one. someone that you can’t stand. 2. “Steam comes out my ears” means_____. Something wrong with ears. Feeling ok . Extremely angry. Water running out of my ears 3. What is it that makes them become good friends?____ A. The author’s rudeness B. Jenny’s rudeness C. The author’s attitude D. Jenny’s kindness and forgiveness Discussion: Topic 1. Do you have a similar experience with Jane? If you have, please describe your first impressions of someone. Topic 2. How do we leave good impressions on others? Summary I was preparing for an ____exam anxiously in the library, but it was so ______ that I could not focus my attention on the revision. The last _____was when I heard someone singing aloud behind me. I left the library in a _____and left my most important ________behind. * Watch a video and find out ☆ What is the story about? ☆ What is the man’s impression of the beggar at the first sight? ☆What can we learn from the story? ☆ Do you think first impression is very important? Warm-up Lesson 4 First Impressions Fast reading Scan the passage and try to identify what style the text is. A. Narrative (记叙文) B. Exposition (说明文) C. Practical writing (应用文) D. Argumentation(议论文) para1 Para 2 para4 Para 5 Para 6 Para 7 Careful reading The day that I met my first friend for the first time In the library Jane Jenny It was Jenny who returned the textbook to me and forgave my rude behavior. They became good friends Consolidation Jenny ________my shortcomings and we bacame good friends. Ending I left the library in a hurry,__________my textbook behind


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