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IMPORTANT FACTS STATEMENT AND APPLICANT’S DECLARATIONS INVESTMENT-LINKED ASSURANCE SCHEME (“ILAS”) POLICY 重要資料聲明書及投保人聲明書 投資相連壽險計劃(投連壽險)保單 Standard Life (Asia) Limited 標準人壽保險(亞洲)有限公司 Name of the ILAS Policy: Aspire Investment Plan 投連壽險保單名稱 :「譽富」投資計劃 Part I – Important Facts Statement 第一部 : 重要資料聲明書 You should carefully consider the information in this statement and the product documents (including the Principal Brochure, Product Key Facts Statement, and/or other documents provided as applicable). All capitalized terms used in this statement shall have the same meaning as set forth in the product brochure, unless otherwise stated. If you do not understand any of the following paragraphs or do not agree to that particular paragraph or what your intermediary has told you is different from what you have read in this statement, please do not sign the confirmation and do not purchase the ILAS policy. 閣下應細閱本聲明書及產品文件(包括主要推銷刊物,產品資料概要及/或其他文件(如適用))。本重要資料聲明書所載的 所有詞彙,除另有註明外,均與產品銷售刊物中的具有相同涵義。若閣下不明白、不同意以下聲明的任何一段、或此聲明內容 與中介人的講述有異,請勿簽署確認或購買此投連壽險保單。 Some Important Facts You Should Know 此乃重要資料 閣下必須細閱 (1) Statement of Purpose 目標概要: Please set out in your own handwriting your reasons/considerations for procuring this ILAS policy. The intermediary is required to take due account of the reasons/considerations set out by you, together with other relevant information, in assessing whether a particular ILAS policy is suitable for you. 請閣下以手寫列出投購此投連壽險保單的原因/考慮因素。中介人必須就閣下列明的原因及考慮因素,以及相關資料,一 併評估此投連壽險保單是否適合閣下。 (2) No Ownership of Assets and No Guarantee for Investment Returns 沒有資產擁有權及沒有投資回報保證: You do not have any rights to or ownership over any o


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