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lesson 6 Loving and Hating New York Teaching aims Improving students’ ability to read between lines Enhancing students’ ability to appreciate the text from different perspectives. Cultivating students’ ability to make a creative reading Teaching contents 1.Background knowledge 2.Exposition 3.Detailed study of the essay 4.Organization pattern 5.Style and language pattern 6.Special difficulties pre-reading task 1. what does New York city impress you? 2. Discuss with your partner to decide: which city do you like most and why? The city’s bright glow arrogantly obscures the heavens. (para. 8) Sunsets can be spectacular: oranges and reds tinting the sky over the Jersey meadows and gaudily reflected in a thousand windows on Manhattan's jagged skyline. skyscrapers Statue of Liberty The Fifth Avenue(第五大道) Times Square (时代广场) Empire Building (帝国大厦) Central Park (中央公园) Wall Street (华尔街) 纽约(New York)是美国相当繁华的城市之一,它的绰号叫做“the Big Apple”(大苹果据传,大约在一百多年前,美国一群爵士乐师们(jazz musicians)经常到各地巡回演出赚钱(make money)。乐师们常常把所要去的城镇比喻成树上的苹果。他们去该城镇演出赚钱,就好像是去摘树上的苹果,由于纽约是他们演出赚钱最多的城市,自然被称为“the Big Apple”。 Big Apple 的由来 不久,纽约一家俱乐部和一种流行舞蹈也取名为“the Big Apple”。后来,精明的纽约市官员们为了招揽游客(tourist),发展旅游业(tourism),索性把“the Big Apple”作为该城市的象征物(symbol)。从此,越来越多的游客被吸引到纽约去参观旅游,纽约的别名也就随之传开了。 New Orleans superdomes (超圆形层顶体育场) Tin Pan Alley (延潘胡同) 原用作20世纪集中于纽约市第二十八大街与第六路附近的美国歌曲出版工业的名称。当时歌曲的推销者弹奏钢琴向出版商介绍曲调,钢琴叮当作响的声音混杂在一起,象是在敲打白铁锅(tin pan),于是得名“Tin Pan Alley”。以后凡是涉及民谣与舞蹈音乐作家所写的作品都沿用这一名称。因此,随着时间的推移,延潘胡同成了流行音乐的代名词。 Ellis Island Ellis Island is a symbol of America’s immigrant heritage. From 1892 to 1954, this immigrant depot processed the greatest tide of incoming humanity in the nation’s history. Nearly twelve million landed here in their search of freedom of speech and religion, and for economic opportunity. Under management of the National Park Service, the monument has been preserved for generations to come. Chinatown General Analysis of the Text A piece of expository


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