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Part 1 (Para 1) Part2 (Para2-3) Part 3 (Para4-8) Part 4 (Para 9) Homework Read the text again and find the language points * * * * * * * * * 信息化教学资源在课前、课中、课后的作用 郑州十一中 外语组 刘运华 我们进入了信息化教学时代,运用现代信息技术,开发教育资源,优化教育过程,以培养和提高学生信息素养。信息化教学以其独特的个性吸引了我们,它形式多样、内容丰富、获取便捷、信息共享,具有高时效性和强交互性。当使用信息化教学时,会觉得很方便,教师几乎不用板书,可以享用网络上丰富的信息资源,也有相应的教学管理工具,学生们可以看到更为生动形象的教学演示,练习也可以在电脑上完成,甚至不用到教室也可以通过远程教学来学习。还可以有更多的通过网络来扩大自己的知识面的机会,充分享受便捷而又丰富的网络资源,了解和学习自己感兴趣的方面的知识,有利于我们与时代的接轨。 信息化教学与传统教学一样也是为了学习的健康发展而设计。我们在保留传统教学精华的基础之上,正确处理好学科内容与计算机运用之间的关系,利用好信息化教学,我们的教育教学质量会更上一层楼! 以下是我在教学中对信息技术的应用例子 Unit 4 Eager Faces Independent State of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚独立国 Do you know where PNG is? A visit to a local village The end of the letter The beginning of the letter The introduction of the school and Jo’s work as a teacher Match each part with its main idea About the life in the village (4-8) Beliefs (para.7) Sleeping arrangement (para.5) Cooking method (para.6) Possessions (para.5) Family relationships (para.4) Diet (food) (para.6) Type of houses (para.5) 1 2 3 4 5 Hot stones are placed in an _______, then vegetables are placed in the drum, covered with ____________ and ______. Cooking methods (para.6) Everyone seemed to be a _________ of Tombe’s. Family relationships (para.4) relative oil drum banana leaves steamed Kiak usually slept in her _______. A newly made ________ for Jenny and me to sleep on. Sleeping arrangements (para.5) own hut platform I could only see __________,a few ________ and _____ and a couple of ____. Possessions(para.5) ___________, _____ and ______. Diet(para.6) sweet potato corns greens tin plates cups jars one broom The villagers believe that any ________ attract _________ in the night so the food is ________ in the can and the can is then ___________ of the hut. Beliefs (para.7) leftovers evil spirits dried up thrown out Her school life(2-3) It is a _____ school. all my students are ________. The classrooms are made of ________a



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