怎样养成良好习惯(How to form good habits).doc

怎样养成良好习惯(How to form good habits).doc

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怎样养成良好习惯(How to form good habits)

怎样养成良好习惯(How to form good habits) How to develop a good habit of registering watercress watercress reading community watercress movie music watercress watercress watercress city FM Nine Alfa found the diary of ajian005 home page home page browsing Home radio photo album ajian005 love second-hand activity mail how to develop good habits 2011-03-29 22:25:38 William James is a master of American psychology on the habits of classic notes: "sow an action, reap an action; sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." Habit is a long established way of thinking, attitude, habit is formed by repeatedly repeated thinking and behavior habits, has a strong inertia, as the rotation of the wheels. People often use can't help their own habits, both good and bad habits are so. The force of habit -- inadvertently affect people's lives. Generally speaking, the habit can be formed in the purpose of training, can also be formed in the unconscious. Good habits will inevitably form in the conscious training, should not and could not be formed in the unconscious, this is the fundamental difference between good habits and bad habits. Compared with other habits, after bad habits formed, it is difficult to change it, as the saying goes: "it is easy to change."." Basically, any good habits is not an easy job to do. To cultivate a good habit, we must first study the importance of it, because only understand the importance of it, will have a strong desire to cultivate the habit of. Two is necessary to cultivate the habit of feasibility analysis, in a sense, overcome a bad habit, cultivate a good habit is the most difficult thing in life, and is the most valuable in life. Therefore, to cultivate a habit, feasibility analysis before the start is very important, so you based on rational and scientific. Otherwise, a hot head, blind to do, often give up halfway. Three to cultivate good habits, will be: "overall arrangement, to break one by one."


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