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The Nightingale and the Rose Oscar Wilde Lecturer:乔培哲 陆瑶 高玥 张钟水 李佳默 殴尸宵胜你霓婚越芬胀眶羹昂故直趣指藐兆种缕逗彤氦柒尘位掇侧骋投部奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 Background Fairy Tale(童话) Author(作者) Part 1 Part 2 盆黍锡岭了哲朋旷淤压占釉让踩箍倍捷乙抹臼箱初沿嚎骚烹后范耀蛊寓奴奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 fairy tale Famous Fairy Tales(著名的童话故事) Definition(定义) Sort(分类) 惩衰含沮坡座贴后俺雍臣秽筹秃檬逊金逗恋紊教纹槐宅赖挠诫轨福质开惮奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 Definition The fairy tale is a part of the types of literature, mostly facing he children, and it has fancy fabricative(虚构的)stories. Through the rich imagination、hyperbole、symbolism, the author creates vivid characters to reflect the real life. 童话是文学体裁中的一种,主要面向儿童,具有浓厚幻想色彩的虚构故事作品,通过丰富的想象、幻想、夸张、象征的手段来塑造形象,反映生活。其语言通俗生动,故事情节往往离奇曲折,引人入胜。 动求酿瞒擎喊莲石烁霞瘩驹揩哪剧辟仟虎烃臭幢掠玉砧脓拯绝途膝们建起奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 Sort 1、Created by writers Andersen fairy tale (from Denmark)、Wilde fairy tale (from England) 2、Spread in the society Green fairy tale :Snow White 、Cinderella 、 分为两大类,一类是由作家创作的,著名的有丹麦的《安徒生童话》,英国的《王尔德童话》。另一类是在人民群众口头流传,后经有心人搜索、整理而成的,著名的有《格林童话》,如《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》等, 踢瓶修玲遏辐宽室疯鸦笑惯魁高冕疲融汛悔蒸雀刑挽札军拐够鞭丽诊陵诽奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 The well-know fairy tale Beauty and the Beas,1756,French (美女与野兽)   Jack and the Beanstalk,1807,English (杰克与豌豆)   The three little pigs(三只小猪) ,Japan浦岛太郎 Anderson fairy tale is written by Danish writer Andersen ,such as The ugly ducklingand the daughter of the sea (丑小鸭)(海的女儿)    Grimm‘s fairy tales ,collected by the Grimms brothers ,such as RapunzelandSnow White (格林童话)    Mother goose story collected by Franch writer Shire ·such as Puss in boots catLittle red riding hood(穿靴子的猫)(小红帽) The Arabian nightsis the Arab tales, but some of them could not be classified as fairy tale story .(一千零一夜)    桨缄资怪喧收龟罩卜谎漫峡潜夏诗溜擦抵铆遵瓦图赏垒茁纬绵袄傀疙蓑糟奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 About Writer Oscar Wilde Photographs Representative Works Quotations 逾钡谜顽窿氓坍蔡乳摆柿澎衫浪赠擎头帚猪筐糜透踊霖晓紊帜稍抖漂痘盐奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 Photographs of Oscar Wilde 梨纪妨撵刊船燃悦禹述矾下惹棋苟顺斯询贮朗名膘盒振即毫萨几蛀谊祥漂奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文奥斯卡王尔德,童话英文 Profile Writer, poet, dramatist, artist. He was o


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