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河南科技学院 2009届本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目:机床变速箱的结构特性分析 学生姓名: 黎正科 所在院系: 机电学院 所学专业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 导师姓名: 马利杰 完成时间:2009年 5 月 摘 要 机床变速箱是机床中重要的传动部件。其将机床电动机和机床主轴联结起来,将动力和扭矩由电机传递到主轴,从而使主轴转动以加工工件。其主要作用是通过变速装置调节主轴转速和扭矩,从而使电机运行在最佳的状态。 在本文中主要介绍了三种变速箱——换挡变速箱、无级变速箱、微型变速箱。分析了这三种变速箱各自的特点。结合实例探讨了换挡变速箱和无级变速箱运行过程中的优缺点,并针对换挡变速箱的几点缺陷提出了改进意见;探讨了关于克服无级变速箱传动效率较低这一缺点的解决方案和未来研究方向;列出了微型变速箱得几点重要特征,并分析了实现这几点特征所需的技术条件。 关键词:变速箱,特征,分析,改进,研究方向 Analysis of the structural characteristics of gear-box of machine tool Abstract The gearbox of machine is the most important transmission part of machine tool. The machine motor and the machine tool spindle are linked by it, and it deliveries power and torque from machine motor to machine tool spindle, so the machine tool spindle can rotate to process the work piece. The main role of the gearbox machine is to regulate the speed and torque of the spindle with the variable-speed device , so the motor can run in a best state. In this article three kinds of gearboxes are introduced (Shift Gearbox; Continuously Variable Trans-mission; Micro Gearbox); The features of each kind of three gearboxes are analysized ; The advantages and disadvantages of Shift Gearbox and Continuously Variable Trans-mission are discussied with examples ,and some improvements are made for some defects of Shift Gearbox .The solutions and the direction of future research are discussied to overcome the disadvantages of the CVT ,which is inefficient ;Some important features of Micro Gearbox are stated ,and The technical conditions ,using to achieve the features ,are considered. Key words: Gearbox,Feature, Analysis,Improvements,Direction of research 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc232738593 1.绪论 PAGEREF _Toc232738593 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232738594 1.1概述 PAGEREF _Toc232738594 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232738595 1.2 变速箱的发展状况 PAGEREF _Toc232738595 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232738596 1.3 研究目的、意义和内容 PAGEREF _Toc232738596 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc232738597 2.换挡变速箱 PAGEREF _Toc232738597 \


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